7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
At the moment I am building a Slater's Vanwide. Does any one know where I can get transfer for a vanwide from.


Western Thunderer
@daifly - those transfers would serve for the later airbrake conversions - I think the livery is from the '80s.

@Alan - you could try Cambridge Custom Transfers. There is no whole sheet for Vanwides but their sheet S1 (tailored for Parkside kits in 4mm but available in the larger scale) which definitely includes transfers for a Vanwide because I've sent mine to my dad for use on his. The bonus is that this will also furnish, with a bit of cutting about, all the wagons you could ever want (and given the price that's just as well). Sheet BL4 (BR and GWR vans) might be a more affordable option, however.



Western Thunderer
I had noticed them and for one wagon the prices are eye watering. I've found a couple of Fox transfer sheets that might do.


Western Thunderer
I finally got round to weathering the ply wood van I built along side the ex PO wagon about 4 weeks ago.

and here it is along side the other ply van I did about a year ago. There are subtle difference I can assure you.

And now the Vanwide nearly finished and awaiting a visit o the paint shop. Still needs the odd tweak.



Western Thunderer
I realised I had not used the Instanters that were in the various kits, they are now being retro fitted to the brown vans. Speaking of which the new ply van has had its undercarriage weathered.

As can be seen subtly different from the other ply van.

I couldn't resist setting this shot up of 3775 shunting. By the way the vacuum brakes were noften not connected in trains like this in the Forest.



Western Thunderer
For those of you who have read the article in BRM I must apologise for not spotting the mistake in the track plan when I was sent the proofs. There is no crossover at the fiddleyard end of the layout, as I wrote in the article the crossover is the sector plate. Anyway to those who have read it I hope you enjoyed it.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
FINALLY - got my mitts on the Nov. BRM on Thursday!! :rolleyes:
Well done Alan, some fantastic photos in your article, especially the one on page 69 which passes the "Can you tell where it is without any trains?" test magnificently!! Absolutely & unmistakeably Forest of Dean!! :)
Never mind the trackplan error - they tend to be a bit hit'n'miss in BRM anyway, I think. Then again, I drew a detailed trackplan for one of my own layouts once, and still got it wrong even with the thing in front of me!!!


Western Thunderer
I have the HMRS transfers for my 7mm BR wagon builds, covers all my needs.

The 7mm version is probably usable - I eventually chucked the 4mm sheet I had.

This is probably slightly irrelevant and were there any doubt marks me out as a wagon obsessive. Here's what's I thought was wrong with them:

  1. The font is a bit lightweight (not a bad match for some of Swindon's signwriting though). This is subjective. This does make the lettering (white on a pale cream backing) almost impossible to see in most light.
  2. There are no number series (and not enough numbers), so you have to line them up by eye. This is also subjective.
  3. While there are brandings for a host of wagon types, you cannot (accurately) letter more than a handful of these types because the specialist brandings that should accompany them are not included. Yes, there are 'return to' and some brandings for 'SNCF' 16 ton minerals, conflats and Lowfits and, oddly, 'Large' which I think only applies for some cattle wagons, but *only* these types, on a separate sheet BR revenue vehicles pre-TOPS (Stripes, instructions etc., see other sheet also) transfer (though all will involve cutting about to fit).
  4. The separate sheet does not generally use the wording BR did 'Not to be loose shunted' for example, was relatively unusual - 'Not to be Hump or Loose Shunted' was more common.
All in all these sheets are some distance from being HMRS's finest hour. This is ironic given the role that HMRS has played in researching wagons and good traffic. This is, I am sorry to say, a poor product. The money spent on 'design' and production would have been better used acquiring the artwork of the old Woodhead sheets which were (whatever you think of Pressfix transfers) based on prototype observation and what BR actually applied to their wagon fleet. The ex-PC sheets, in contrast, are very good.

Anyway, now I've paraded this hobbyhorse I'll put it away again! ;)

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Western Thunderer
Having looked at my HMRS fitted sheet, I have to agree with Adam. Personally I'm not fussed about a lack of a number series though.

I don't know about the unfitted sheet as I don't have that one.



Western Thunderer
Having looked at my HMRS fitted sheet, I have to agree with Adam. Personally I'm not fussed about a lack of a number series though.

I don't know about the unfitted sheet as I don't have that one.


That’s fair enough - number series matter more in 4mm because of the smaller size. I’m quite able to line up numbers a mm tall but tare numbers? Forget it.



Western Thunderer
As said Fox were used and photos hopefully later today witha c ouple of other subtle changes ???!!!****????