7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Re the brake gear; of course some of us at the Back of the Class would never have noticed in a million years...
Ain't that the truth!
I had to open two copies of WT and flick between the 'right' and 'wrong' pictures for a couple of minutes before I 'saw it'!!
And now, having 'seen it' - I will probably forget and never notice again. Sorry guys, you can take a horse to water etc . . . . .
Well done to those who saw it first time out, I'll never be in that league!


Western Thunderer
Ain't that the truth!
I had to open two copies of WT and flick between the 'right' and 'wrong' pictures for a couple of minutes before I 'saw it'!!
And now, having 'seen it' - I will probably forget and never notice again. Sorry guys, you can take a horse to water etc . . . . .
Well done to those who saw it first time out, I'll never be in that league!

After getting it wrong myself more than once I still don't automatically get it right but have to visualise the lever being pulled down, turning the crank thingy and moving the push rods. As said above I think half the problem is that you build the wagon chassis upside down but refer to photos of wagons the right was up.


Western Thunderer
After getting it wrong myself more than once I still don't automatically get it right but have to visualise the lever being pulled down, turning the crank thingy and moving the push rods. As said above I think half the problem is that you build the wagon chassis upside down but refer to photos of wagons the right was up.
Agreed, but the worst part is noticing the error, wondering if you’ve made it before, checking other recent builds, wishing you’d not checked and then accepting that a production line approach will be required...

Oddly I only ever make the mistake on one side of a wagon.


Western Thunderer
Agreed, but the worst part is noticing the error, wondering if you’ve made it before, checking other recent builds, wishing you’d not checked and then accepting that a production line approach will be required...

Oddly I only ever make the mistake on one side of a wagon.

Worse if you notice once the glue has set and the paint dried :headbang:


Western Thunderer
I can almost guarantee you won't get any consensus on the subject of 7mm couplings.

Three links are prototypical but are hands-on and have no delayed action. Pencarrow has sidings almost 1m back from the front edge which makes reaching them difficult.

Gordon Gravett uses AJ couplings on his Arun Quay and they worked well whilst I was watching but he admitted they were a s0d to set up and can be difficult to couple on curves.

Dinghams and DG are similar but out of the two the Dingham seem less obtrusive. I've seen DGs work quite well on a number of exhibition layouts but they are not that easy to build up.

Depends really what you want and what restrictions you have. Iain Rice in his recent Creating Cameo Layouts book does a good comparison of the many different types , those above plus Links, Sprat & Winkle and his own version.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I can almost guarantee you won't get any consensus on the subject of 7mm couplings.

Too true.

I'm looking at Dinghams for my LT stock for 'hands free' shunting. The only downsides are the vehicles have to be in the same direction as the couplers are 'ended' (as opposed to handed) and 'non scale'. However, I'm prepared to overlook the 'non scale' appearance for the sake of hands free switching operations. I've seen Dinghams blackened and look less obtrusive.

It's all a matter of choice and what works for the individual.


Western Thunderer
My pal John used AJs on his exhibition layout, and much of his stock still has them, but they are somewhat less well maintained nowadays. The 3-links are fitted as well, so one has a choice.

That is, one has a choice until the point of an AJ goes through the link of a 3-link, and then you’re up the creek, with no paddle, and a hole in your boat...

They are thus known as “harpoons” on John’s garden line.

As has been noted above, with goods stock, there are several solutions, and yer pays yer money. What I would say is that coaches, particularly corridor coaches are another kettle of fish entirely. Think about fixed rakes with wire drawbars, Kadees, or even 00 Tension Locks.



Western Thunderer
I've used a few of these, in different situations.
We have Kadee's on the clubs coaches, and 3 link/screw link on the wagons.
I have a shunting puzzle with Lincs, and I've used Sprat & Winkle in 4mm.

The club doesn't use uncouplers for the Kadee's, and we have bits of wire for
the loose couplings (known as coupling hooks)!

The Lincs are quite unobtrusive, and work with the 3 link type still fitted (but
they need to be brass links), but there is no delay function.

I've made and fitted Dinghams for my F-in-L, they do have delay, but they are

My next 0 gauge layout will have S & W, I've used these in 4mm and want to see
how they perform in 7mm, they have delay and are not handed.

I'm happy with the Lincs on my Inglenook, but the next will be a Timesaver,
and I think it will be better with the delay function available with S & W.



Western Thunderer
The last few days I have been weathering the 3 wagons ina fairly grubby state as we will be almost at the end of steam in the Forest. At the moment I am thinking about the Layout name and a suitable a back story, when I have worked it through I'll let you. Any way the vans, I still have vacuum pipes to fit and of course couplings when I make my mind up.

Ply Weathered 1.jpg

ply weathered 2.jpg

planked weathered 1.jpg

Planked weathered 2.jpg

NE weathered 1.jpg

NE weathered 2.jpg

3 weathered.jpg


Western Thunderer
As mention a couple of posts ago I have been thinking about a name for the layout and a back story. reading a book I bought for my late father, H. W. Parr's "The Great Western Railway in Dean", I came upon the most unsuccessful of the Forest's lines, "The Forest of Dean Central Railway" which departed from the Gloucester/South Wales line at Awre Junction and then through Blakeney with the idea of linking to Foxes Bridge and New Fancy Collieries. Unfortunately the Branch neber reached further than Howbeach Sidings to the north of Blakeney . This Line despite a revival during World War 11 was officially closed on 2nd Aug 1949. However the track from Awre to Blakeney remained until 1962 as a siding fro condemned wagons. Blakeney never had a passenger station just one siding known as Blakeney Goods.
In my railway world of the Forest Railways Blakeney did have a small station with a couple of sidings and the track was kept for a further 25 chains or so beyond the station under a narrow over bridge. This means I can do away with buffer stops thus giving me an extra 6 inches to play with allowing a little more flexibility in shunting.
Below is a crude track plan to give you an idea.

Plan 10.jpg


Western Thunderer
A little bit more detail, chalk marks, suggested by Chris Klein.
Also thought I'd put a Forest of Dean background in to give me some idea what the layout will look like when I start building it.background 1.jpg

background 2.jpg

A change of background, I must build a photo plank diorama.

background 3.jpg

I've still not decided on couplings as you can see.


Western Thunderer
scanning these photos taken during different seasons does give a chance to think about what season to set the layout in.


Western Thunderer
I've started thr brake van but at the moment I'm struggling to understand how the brake gear goes together, I've read and re-read the instructions and looked and looked at the diagrams. I suppose I'm getting to the stage of just having a go and see what happens.


Western Thunderer
Progress so far on the Brake Van.

brake van.jpg

I'm probably being heretical here, but I wondered why I spent so much time on the brake gear, and then did an approximation, as it can't be seen anyway, not on my model and to be fair any prototype photos I've seen. In future I'll model what can be seen, that will save some heartache and more importantly TIME.It is a layout wagon not showcase one.

As can be seen work still to done, footboards and hand rails as well as painting the body.