7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
After running round its train 8749 shunts the Vanwide for the Drakes to un load into their van.


It then couples up with the brake van to proceed to the colliery to pick up some full wagons, before returning to Blackney to pick up the by then unloaded Vanwide.
Wow - unloaded in an hour or so?? Amazing what the threat of demurrage charges can motivate those boys to do!!! :) ;) :thumbs:

Michael Hall

Western Thunderer
This has been a most enjoyable layout to watch developing over the months. It demonstrates what can be achieved in a smaller space yet brings a convincing representation of that country branch line. For me it brings back many happy memories of time spent at and around Gloucester in the mid 1960's and journeys from Gloucester to Hereford through the forest of Dean behind Collet goods, large Prairies, 63xx Moguls and on one noteworthy occasion an invitation onto the footplate of 7800 Torquay Manor for part of the way. So the question is, am I tempted to do something similar myself ? well my outdoor workshop has a 10 foot work surface.....it is tempting. Thank you for sharing this with us, its wonderful.


Western Thunderer
Continuing the sequence.

Later that morning 8749 arrives back with two full coal wagons uncouples and runs round its train.



It then shunts its train(coal wagons and break van) under the bridge, allowing to room to pick up the Vanwide.

The Sharrp eyed may have noticed younf Frank has at long last finished his cup of tea and is in the "office" sorting out paperwork.

and then leaving for Bullo.



Western Thunderer
I've just made another load for my double bolster old rails which will be added to the demolition train.

The demolition train arrives to take away track and ballast from a disused siding up the branch.


After collecting rail , ballast and sleepers 3775 arrives back at Blackney ready to shunt its way to the front of its train.


And the finally leaves for Bullo.



Western Thunderer
A pet hate of mine is seeing wagons always with the same loads no matter where or in which direction they are going.

As you may have noticed I do fill and empty my wagons depending on what duty they are on eg mineral wagons going to the colliery or leaving the colliery.

I thought I'd take a photo of the removable loads to date.


From te left the coal loads, in the centre the sleepers and spent ballast and nearest the camera the double bolster loads and the empty bolsters. There may be more to come. Ads you can see looking at the coal loads they are constructed in such a way thet by pushing down on one end they can be lifted out of the wagon.


Western Thunderer
I've just made another load for my double bolster old rails which will be added to the demolition train.

The demolition train arrives to take away track and ballast from a disused siding up the branch.


After collecting rail , ballast and sleepers 3775 arrives back at Blackney ready to shunt its way to the front of its train.


And the finally leaves for Bullo.


Very nice Alan, I hope it's just a siding up the branch they are lifting and that they don't get too carried away...

Phil O

Western Thunderer
Hi Alan

Without wishing to be picky, spent ballast is full of crud and normally in uneven heaps, what you have looks like fresh ballast.


Western Thunderer
The minerva class 14 arrived last week, and despite what i had heard I am very pleased with it. There slightproblems with it I'll admit, the cab door on one side is the wong way round, and the colour of the cab might be on the light side and the roundal has a black ring rather than a cream ring on the outside.

All photos taken from the side with the correct door as that's the way it wil run on Blackney
So as it arrived


On running in the crankpin to the jackstaff came loose, just neede unscrew , a dab of Evo stick on the thread and then screwed back in, problem solved.

The next photo shows it with the old roundal removed a replaced with a correct Fox transfer one, number to one that was in the Forest D9502 (transfer Numbers come with the model as do the builder plates and the train reporting numbers and windows for the same). The builders plate etchings are lovely, painted black and then wiped over with wet and dry used dry.


As you can see from the cab front that light green really does alter its look depending on the amount of light/shadow on it.
Oh by the way its straight DC and runs very well and contaolably. On the rolling road it dispalayed a bit of a wobble but not on the layout at least at the speeds I am running it at.

Net the bit I'm really looking forward to WEATHERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and putting the crew in.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
On running in the crankpin to the jackstaff came loose, just neede unscrew , a dab of Evo stick on the thread and then screwed back in, problem solved.
Interesting you had exactly the same problem I had, Alan!
I did a survey of my Neil Parkhouse 'Forest of Dean Vol2' book of the Class 14 photos in it. I think D9555 was the most pictured, by some way, then D9502 second, and a few other locos getting just one or two photos each, D9500, 01 & 03 if memory serves.
According to an article in the old DFR 'Forest Venturer' magazine, D9535 worked the first diesel train into the Forest on 3rd Jan 1966, after steam was withdrawn on 31st Dec 1965.
As advertised Over There, Strathwood have a new book coming out on them soon. Should be a good read. :)