Last week I had a parcel from Modelu Some loco drivers (diesel) and some passengers.
After taking off the printing supports they washed with warm soapy water and then primed.
The way I paint figures seems to be the opposite of most. First I paint the outer clothing. By the way the 2 fully painted figures I've had for some time.
Because i use acrylics drying time is very quick so I was fairly quickly able to finish the painting. I may look cloer later. By the way I.m not a great beleiver in detailing faces. To me seeing white eyes and brown/blue irises looks unrealistic as we are looking at the figures froma t least a scale 8o foot if not further and when I'm outing walking ai cannot tell the colour of someones eyes from 40 ft let alone 80.
The observant of you may have noticed that two of the drivers have the same colour hair, uniform ties etc. They will be put I haope at either end of the rail-car.