7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Whilst clearing out a draw full of photos I came across some of my first attempt at a model Railway, in N gauge. The station was based on Cyril Freezer's plan L19 in the 2nd edition of his Plans for Larger Layouts. it was built I think before Code 55 track. The locos were Graham Farish and Minitrix and one kit built (the class 25) a white metal body on an Atlas chassis if I remember correctly. It was built in the early 1980s. Gosh that does seem a long time ago. Anyway the photos. the buildings were Graham Farish, basically cubesoids of plastic you stuck the card outside of the building on. Any one remember them?

N G 1001 ed.jpg

N G 2004 ed.jpg

N G 2005 ed.jpg

N G 2003 ed.jpg

N G 2007 ed.jpg


  • N G 2006 ed.jpg
    N G 2006 ed.jpg
    319.4 KB · Views: 9


Western Thunderer
Hi Alan,
Snap! I moved back to the UK from France, in 1983 and lived in a bedsit so the space was limited. Hence, why I went for N gauge on a 8’ x 2’ board that had a sort of folded figure 8 on it.
As soon as I saw your class 101 DMU, I was back in nostalgia land! I really enjoyed N and with my then club, helped to build a large but unsuccessful layout. I made several friends though and built a couple of layouts for one chap who had Parkinson’s disease, I also became his principal loco repair guy!
I sure do remember those Farish buildings as well as many other rather crude things from that time. The Minitrix class 27 for example although they were indestructible. How about the multi scale Lima models?
I must say that your track looks quite good, are you sure it was the code 80?


Western Thunderer
Gosh that takes me back to the time when I planned a model of the West Highland line. I had one of those Minitrix Class 27's that John mentions, and a rake of six maroon Cavendish coaches. Alas a certain young lady came into my life and that put paid to that idea.



Western Thunderer
Mojo still working just, although inspired by RM getting in touch and telling me that Blackney will be in the next issue out this coming Thursday.

It's inspired me to almost scratch build using left overs fom built kits and the present of the old PECO 8 ton Ballast wagon. Luckily i have GWR Goods Wagons by Atkins, Beard and Tourret. Indeed a mighty Tome, by weight and content. It appears to have drawing of most if not all of GWR wagons. Upon reading the section on Ballst and sand wagons I discovered drawings galore. I discovered the Peco wagon was a P4 and built in the late 19th century. I had already found in my bits left over box the 16ft sole bars with 9ft wheelbase whilst the peco kits aloebars appeared to be 15ft 6. I thought that by the mid 1960s they would have been scrapped and upon further reading of said section I discovered a later version diagram P18 had the same slebar length as my spare sole bars. So_________________________I thought I could use bits of the kit and my spares and some scratch building (first time for me with a piece of rolling stock) and have a bash at creating a P18.

The first thing was to lengthen the deck by 6 inches. I decided that to make sure the deck fitted the new sole bars would be to cut the deck in half fit the sole bars to the ends of the deck nd then fill the hole in the middle. Also note the wheels hve already been blacked by using a permanent marker.

deck 1.jpg

Next I had to make up a new chassis as the one with the kit is only a strange 2/3rds chassis which I felt I couln't use. So using thick plasticard cut into strips I made ane chassis.

chassis 1.jpg

A little undtidy at the moment but when everything is well set will be tidyed up. You might notice the ends of the wagon are in situ. I think probably the only bit of the original kit along with the wheels and deck I will use. Next will be to fabricate the sides.

I will keep you informed of progress

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Postie has just called, he brought a micro time machine and a day rover for the Gloucester district. With fizzy pop, cheese sarnies and a Lyons fruit pie packed in the duffle bag I shall be gone for a while.

Congratulations on the article in the Toddler, those photos are just sublime and enhanced by the population going about their daily life.

regards, Graham

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Great news about the article, Alan. Well done !

Nowdays, I confine my magazine purchases to MRJ and only those other magazines that have an article of interest.

Therefore, for the second month in succession, I'll be buying the Modeller.



Mid-Western Thunderer
Finally got to put my feet up yesterday evening with the Feb RM, & read all about Blackney. :)
Nice to see some photos that are not on-line, my favourite was the one looking at the right-hand end of the layout - the view under the bridge to the tunnel is very effective! :thumbs:
This really is one of my favourite layouts. Well done Alan.


Flying Squad
I agree with Jordan, Blackney really looks very good in the Railway Modeller article - well done. I was also very “taken” with the shot through the bridge, fabulous.

It is really good to see your creation in print Alan, one of the most atmospheric and inspiring things to have appeared in Railway Modeller and for my money up there with the very best of articles past and present.


Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
Hi Alan, I have to admit that I have had brief looks at this excellent layout in the past 4 years and only now have I had a chance to go through all the pages. It certainly deserves to be in the RM, congratulations on this. I really do like the layout, backstory and certainly the modelling showing what can be achieved in 7mm.
One thing though is I cannot see all the photos as they are not in the posts. Not sure if it is my device or what as I have had problems with the old iPad. My new phone is also similarly struggling.
Is there any chance of reposting the station building construction photos please as I think this would be a suitable size for my 0 gauge effort.
Thank you for sharing and enjoy playing trains.
All the best


Western Thunderer
Ah Julian. You can "blame" RMWeb for that. I'd copied a afir few posts from RMWeb onto WT and when RMweb had their problems they could not recover any of the photos from the previous year so any that were copied onto other sites were also lost. Since then when I post on different threads none are copied to another forum.