Mojo still working just, although inspired by RM getting in touch and telling me that Blackney will be in the next issue out this coming Thursday.
It's inspired me to almost scratch build using left overs fom built kits and the present of the old PECO 8 ton Ballast wagon. Luckily i have GWR Goods Wagons by Atkins, Beard and Tourret. Indeed a mighty Tome, by weight and content. It appears to have drawing of most if not all of GWR wagons. Upon reading the section on Ballst and sand wagons I discovered drawings galore. I discovered the Peco wagon was a P4 and built in the late 19th century. I had already found in my bits left over box the 16ft sole bars with 9ft wheelbase whilst the peco kits aloebars appeared to be 15ft 6. I thought that by the mid 1960s they would have been scrapped and upon further reading of said section I discovered a later version diagram P18 had the same slebar length as my spare sole bars. So_________________________I thought I could use bits of the kit and my spares and some scratch building (first time for me with a piece of rolling stock) and have a bash at creating a P18.
The first thing was to lengthen the deck by 6 inches. I decided that to make sure the deck fitted the new sole bars would be to cut the deck in half fit the sole bars to the ends of the deck nd then fill the hole in the middle. Also note the wheels hve already been blacked by using a permanent marker.
Next I had to make up a new chassis as the one with the kit is only a strange 2/3rds chassis which I felt I couln't use. So using thick plasticard cut into strips I made ane chassis.
A little undtidy at the moment but when everything is well set will be tidyed up. You might notice the ends of the wagon are in situ. I think probably the only bit of the original kit along with the wheels and deck I will use. Next will be to fabricate the sides.
I will keep you informed of progress