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December hasn't really been a good month for modelling, daily radiotherapy sessions have seen to that, nevertheless I managed to complete another mineral wagon, and a few small jobs on the layout.
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This is the old Peco kit that was one of a range of wagons originally designed and produced by Richard Webster of Ratio, and now Dapol fame. The kit was a joy to build, the quality and fit of the components being superb. Not bad for a kit that first saw light of day way back in the 1980's.
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The weathering was carried out by using the same materials and techniques as my previous wagon, which was the subject of my last post and is still being slowly worked up. I'm working from a photo of an actual wagon again rather than my imagination. Just one more Slaters RCH 7-plank open to build now, and then my fleet of coal wagons will be complete.
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I also solved the problem of finding a suitable truck for the coal merchant when I discovered this 'Classic Commercials' kit for a Fordson V7 5 ton utility truck, which is available from DJParkins and what a fantastic kit it is !!
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I'm afraid my photo doesn't do the components justice, but believe me they are superb, naturally I couldn't resist a dry run of the main components.
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Now don't laugh but I am old enough to remember these old trucks, in fact a local haulage company converted some into lime spreaders which were still in regular service in the early sixties. The kit captures the character of the prototype and is just the right size for the small yard at Bleddfa, thank you David
Merry Christmas,