Its that time of year again when my modelling room gets taken over by the grandchildren's Christmas presents, at the moment I can just about reach my modelling bench, but little else. Work on the Fordson truck has stalled, due to the cold damp weather preventing me from spraying the cab and flatbed. So I intend making a few trees, a job that I can do in the comfort of the lounge. As for layout photography, well its getting harder by the day so I took the chance to take a couple more photos whilst I could.
1455 arrived with a single wagon load of coal this morning, the greenery on the side of the lime kiln is part cloned and part painted on the backscene. Some of the trees that I mentioned earlier will end up there, and hopefully blend into the backscene in a convincing manner.
I had intended purchasing an SEF kit for an Austin A040 Box , but came across this lovely Oxford Diecast Austin Ruby in the local charity shop. I'll knock the glossy finish back in due course, and will probably remove the luggage rack as well.
I gave 7719 a final touch of the weathering powders last week and added the bucket, fireiron and shovel from the Minerva detailing pack which comes with the model. A slacking pipe made from florist wire completed the detailing.