Well after a not too few years I have finally drawn up a definitive plan for Bow Creek Wharf , Station and Exchange Sidings.
I filled a couple of box files with doodles and sketches and probably thrown as much in the bin.
With the building to house it finished it has given me room to expand the original idea, which was initially designed to fit within 33 sq. feet, the Wharf that is, not the rest of it

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There is a scale on the drawing in metric but to give an idea of size the drawn border is 31' -0" x 17'-6" in old money.
If your thinking the curves and p&c work look tight on the wharf they are as was the real track in these type of yards. The wharf is very loosely based on that which existed at the Pepper Warehouses on the R.Lee ( Bow Creek ), the real Bow Creek Wharf was back down by the mouth of the river where it flowed into the R.Thames, I've just nicked the name

The wharf is supposedly an LNER ( ex GER) depot, the era being post ww2 so '46-'47 but pre-BR. Having said that I could have some very early B.R. stock and have an alternate era as it were.
The wharf was an import dock mainly with some export and the 30 ton crane will be based on the Fairbairn crane that was used at Devonshire Goods Depot on the Regents Canal for heavy and large loads. There will be a smaller crane and weigh bridge the positions of which are yet to be decided.
The bridge over the creek still exists and will be used as a basis for the model, in the early days it was originally a swing bridge and I'm tempted by that to model it as such.
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The station layout is based on Blackwall, not the building, with a single road into the platform and a bay with loading dock on the opposite of the track. The run round loop is out in the station throat. I've not yet decided on a prototype for the station building.
The loco shed is based on that which was at Bethnal Green, Spitalfields coal depot.
The signal box is Stratford Southern Jct. which was elevated over a siding originally.
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I've shown this as sitting over a P.W siding which spurs off the goods loop which in turn runs to an off scene dock area( East India) The goods loop once it disappears behind the road bridge ( Station Rd.) also branches off to continue round to the storage roads underneath the wharf, the idea of this is to provide a continues circuit for testing. The storage roads in turn feed the main line on a rising gradient and into the station throat and exchange yard jct. The whole layout worked as out and back.
The yard it's self is much self explanatory worked by a resident J tank and the Hill Y4 0-4-0 or 'Coffee Pot ' Y5 serving the wharf as it is restricted to 0-4-0 locos, the BoT having a field day because there's no skirts on the Y4 ! for running down Boat St.
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Incoming and out going freight will be handled by J tanks, J15-17,19's etc. But knowing the ex GER you could find any of them on anything. A J15 once took over from a pacific at Hitchin on a south bound express into Kings Cross and didn't loose that much time !
Passenger trains, three coach rake with loco's ( F5-6 or occasional J67-8,9 covering) either pushing stock out to run round or another loco waiting in the loop to take it back out. These trains are assumed to connect with Fenchurch St. and Stratford and beyond, for example Ilford and Palace Gates.
But first it will be baseboard building, don't hold yer breath