BR Blue shunty planky TMD yard layout 33 challenge SPITAL JUNCTION now Kings Cross Depot


Western Thunderer

I've been gathering stock and locomotives for a last few years and they mostly live in boxes under the bed so i think its about time I got a layout started so I can play operate trains.

What I don't have is a lot of space or room for a permanent setup, so my original idea for a 24' x 3' layout is just not realistic at the moment, and with a postage stamp sized garden that is out too. This is also my first layout and I wanted to get something under my belt and finished before I launched into something that would take me years to complete.

So I have a couple of boards each 700mm x 1200mm and a further couple of 450mm x 1200mm for use as fiddle yards. The benefit for these smaller boards is that I can bring them into the dinning room and work on them in the warm.IMG_0478.JPG
My main interest is BR Blue/Speedlink era, so i'm looking to create something 1977 - 1988ish. I want to use the layout for a photographic backdrop for my modelling efforts and it would be great if a local club wanted me to take is along to a show. Though, having been an operator at a few shows, I'm not sure I could cope with the stress of seeing well meaning helpers dropping £700+ locos!

Have I got enough space to do anything worthwhile? Any suggestions for a track plan?


Western Thunderer
Hi Phil,

you are in a similar position to most of us with O gauge stock and little or no space to run it at home.

I have a 16'x2' shunting plank in it's very early stages - track down and wired up and will now be concentrating on the scenery having ceased stock building. Then to give my stock a good 'blow' I go down to the Club - so I would suggest that you seek and join a local Club and enjoy all the banter that that brings as well.

I shall be watching your progress with interest.




Western Thunderer
Hi Phil,

What I don't have is a lot of space or room for a permanent setup

Ditto. I'm in the same boat and even though I have a 'layout' under construction it's really only ever going to be a glorified diorama. I get my roundy-roundy fix once a month at the 'Poachers' but you still have the potential for a modest little layout. How about a single platform along the front right hand side big enough for a 2 car DMU either 1st or 2nd gen with a small 'speedlink' yard to the rear? Use a l/h turnout at the very edge of the front left of the board connected to a double slip then a r/h turnout connected to this slip to give one long siding in two halves (if that makes sense?) I'd bend this siding to go from corner to corner (the corners at the top of the board in the photo). I'd then set the sidings in cobbles and base the whole thing in an urban setting. You could even have a 2nd platform that is now out of passenger use and used for loading vans i.e. VAA and the other end of the siding would take BAA etc.

Sorry I can't draw what I've described but I'm pants with Templot and don't have any other rail drawing programs,



Steve Cook

Flying Squad
You'll definitely get something workable in that space Phil, I just think its a matter of aligning expectations with the board sizes. I'd choose which area to focus on the most, operating or using it as a photographic background and work from there - but thats my view of it, your mileage may vary. Without wishing to be rude, there is also the question of what area do you feel you need the most practise on? If your track laying needs polishing to get reliable running, then go for an operation based layout which will get you the most benefit towards your long term goals. Likewise, if scenery is the bit you would like to work on most, go for a more photogenic composition.

I would suggest looking at micro and small layout plans for 2mm and 4mm with a corresponding scaled down board size to give some idea of what will fit and maybe some inspiration. It is unlikely just what you want will have been printed, but something may spark you off and get you going. There are (quite!) a few books on the subject worth flicking through, Modelling the BR Era is also worth a read. I don't know the Speedlink era very well at all, but some of the stock is quite long - that can make a small layout feel less generous than it really is and make for some operational constraints.

You've also got the option as far as I can see of it of either creating a 'run through' layout with the two big boards central and the fiddle yards either side, but equally you could create a terminus to fiddle yard type layout and use a small board as a scenic one - either in front of the other small board to create a 12' layout with kick back storage yard, or string 2 big and one small together to get 12' of scenic and drop the other small board on the end for a fiddle yard. Almost too many options:D

Not sure that lot helps much Phil, so I'll chuck in a suggested plan - could you squeeze in a Minories (or similar) type track plan? Doesn't have to be passenger orientated.....



Western Thunderer
All this talk of Kings Lynn stabling point has made me yearn to get my layout moving forward. I've been pondering (procrastinating) for a long time of a layout plane based on Peterborough Maintenance point. The change of gauge has not helped, but that really is no excuse as I didn't have any track actually laid anyway.

Wonder if this little lot could help with the track laying?

I'll post up pictures and drawings here as a scrapboard of ideas. Feel free to jump in or add addition resources.


I'd love to see this get started. We'll probably be doing things at the same time. I'll admit mine is only a 1/4 the size of yours but I'm guessing you're 4 times faster!


Western Thunderer
I'd love to see this get started. We'll probably be doing things at the same time. I'll admit mine is only a 1/4 the size of yours but I'm guessing you're 4 times faster!

I doubt I'll be any quicker than you. I have so many projects on the go just now that it really is a scatter gun approach and I g0 from one to the other according to my concentration level.

Layout plan from an old British Railway Modelling BookletIMG_0045.JPG

and an idea on a similar theme but more compact.


Western Thunderer
The buildings I'd like to model in the background are to be based on the Baker Perkins building behind Eastfield Box.
Credit to RailPhotoArchiveIMG_0091.JPG
Credit to RailPhotoArchive

They were rail connected a long time ago. None of it exists today, its a now blocks of flats.

Colin M

Western Thunderer
This sounds like a good project. Talking about ideas really does motivate you to want to get started on something.

Brings back memories... I once replaced the guttering on that signal box! I would guess, it was around the early 90's. It was a two man job, working from wooden ladders. It would be all scaffolding and harnesses these days.


Western Thunderer
Brings back memories... I once replaced the guttering on that signal box! I would guess, it was around the early 90's. It was a two man job, working from wooden ladders. It would be all scaffolding and harnesses these days.

Must have done a good job, still on there!.
Peterborough Eastfield_01.JPG Peterborough Eastfield_02.JPG



Western Thunderer
Mmmm Deltic !! :), another pile of reference material kept out of arms reach LOL.

I think that's from the 53a photo site and its 80/81 and was a failure, replaced by a 47 I think if I recall the details correctly.



Western Thunderer
Wow, excellent memory! :thumbs:
Not sure about that LOL, just that Deltics on Peterborough shed are quite rare, the full details will be on the web somewhere, their workings were recorded in great detail in the last few years.

I copped all the Deltics in 81, those 20 that were left, last one was #19, I only ever saw one at speed through Peterborough, it was in 79, the first year I was old enough to afford an Anglia Rover, and old enough to be let loose on the public by my parents LOL, cost, £1, only problem was its boundary was at March and we were banned from going further...parents...what do they we all chipped together for returns from March to Peterborough. First train we saw was a northbound Deltic on the through fast lines, it hit the dip at line speed, bucking and banging, I clearly remember the hook and hoses swaying like mad and then it was gone and I was hooked. Got a right royal b****king when I got home, but my dad knew why we had done it, he used to cycle to Chelford in the mid 50's and watch the express's roar through there, mostly Scots, Jubilees, Black 5's, occasionally Brits, also the odd Duchess or Princess on a run in from Crewe works to Longsight and back.

I never saw another fast Deltic for the rest of their days, they were put on stopping trains, which made cabbing the next task :), in later days many drivers stopped long thus making sure hoards of kids didn't try and climb on board..we were never allowed down the ramp, station staff saw to that.

Anyway I digress, wish I could make models as quick as I can dream about them LOL.



Western Thunderer
I think that the large rear side window makes it a Maxi, not an Allegro. It's ropey whichever it is!