BR Blue shunty planky TMD yard layout 33 challenge SPITAL JUNCTION now Kings Cross Depot



Maxis were just bigger 1100s weren't they? A mate of mine spent 2 years cramming a 1750 Maxi engine into a Mini in the 80s. Great car!


Western Thunderer
Maxis were just bigger 1100s weren't they? A mate of mine spent 2 years cramming a 1750 Maxi engine into a Mini in the 80s. Great car!

Probably more accurate to say a smaller version of the 1800. :) I drove 1750 Maxis a lot during the 1970s - the car of choice for BBC Film Unit Sound crews in Scotland - went everywhere in Scotland the whole year round through hail, rain, snow, ice, etc. I took over my late father-in-law's Maxi in the early 1990s after he passed away and had forgotten what it was like to drive a car with no power steering. :)



Modelling on a £1200 table.
a.k.a a "Land Crab" IIRC..??
My Dad had one once, bags of room inside, but it looked just like that one on the outside, "off-white and rust" except the driver's door was green...:rolleyes: :D :D

Must correct you Jordan Land Crab's were Austin BLMC 1800/2200's.... They look similar so I'll let you off, The car in the picture is most definately a 'Maxi' anyway


Western Thunderer
Ahh - the "Austin Maxi 1750" yes indeed had a 5 speed box AND reverse! My dad had one in brown followed by an Allegro Estate followed by a fab orange Datsun 180B


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Why are we so concerned about motors with 5-speed boxes... my favourite motor had 20 speeds and four of them were in reverse!

Jordan, just how many forward gears in a modern lorry?


Western Thunderer
................. proper Driver's gearboxes that took skill to get the best from them :cool:

... sorry, was this a Layout thread or Workbench....?? :confused: :rolleyes:

Can't beat a good old crash box eh Jordan, once you've got rolling and you get the rev's right the clutch was almost indispensible, but get it wrong........ and ouch!

ATB, Col.


Western Thunderer
Eaton twin splitter takes me back. I learnt to drive on a Sedden Atkinson with one of those. I lost count the number of times I lost the gear until I finally got it.


Western Thunderer
Having learnt to drive in Dennis Straight 8 ex fire engine double declutching is almost second nature, so gears & crunch very rarely go together.


Western Thunderer
It wasn't known as the "Gearbox of a Thousand Neutrals" for nothing...:D

You mean the clutch could almost be dispensed with, I think..? ;)
I find the clutch in our car pretty indispensible - and still managed to crunch a gear now and then, whereupon I get the :rolleyes: and :mad: looks from SWMBO...:oops:

After years of working as a carpenter & joiner and as a truck driver the mix of sawdust, glue and diesel fumes has finally pickled my brain and cuases pissed pronounciation and ukfu up wdors........but at elast u nu wot ment I.:)) :D



Western Thunderer
I'm going to bite the bullet and go big. I am in negotiations to get some boards built. I'm going for a modular approach so that I can build up but also to spur me on and do something I think I'm going to register for the S7 layout challenge. This means the intial layout will need to be small as it will need to be under 33 sq feet including fiddle yards etc to meet the rules of the competition.


Western Thunderer
I've got three boards for the layout that are 450mm x 1200mm each. That's about 18 square feet of the space available for the challenge. The remaining space will be the fiddle yards that will be at both ends of the boards.

I'm keeping to a similar theme of a Peterborough based depot shunty plank.

To keep with the size and have some operational interest I've come up with the revised plan below.


Western Thunderer
Have you considered the track to board ratio? It looks, to me, that you might be trying to cram too much in given the width of the boards. Do they have to be that width? Alternatively, can you tack on extra scenic boards on the back to give greater depth? You're massively under the size limit.