7mm BR Diesels


Flying Squad
I wish I'd thought of buying one of those nose sections. It would have made a grand garden shed.......



I'm reminded of the time Lady D and I were on the SVR on a train out of Bridgnorth. there was a folorn looking cab parked on the side, and Lady D wondered whether the SVR would sell it to us as a garden shelter.

As we got nearer, I could see on the side the number 60009:))



Western Thunderer
Hi Andrew,

Hmm... good question. I'll do a bit more research but I don't 'think' they are steam heat pipes.


I happened to see this photo. posted in 'the other place' by one Dagworth:


It's a Peak but it does seem to be the equivalent line you are modeling and it's got the insulation I thought I remembered also seeing on 40's. Whatever it is, it isn't a vac. pipe, since any hose without the internal stiffening wire that all vac. flexibles have would collapse in use.

Hope this is helpful.


Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for posting that. I thought you might have seen Micks post earlier in which he explained how one pipe is vac, the other steam heat.



Western Thunderer
Hi Andrew,

Thanks for posting that. I thought you might have seen Micks post earlier in which he explained how one pipe is vac, the other steam heat.


Yeah, I know, I thought I'd just show you the lagging, which the other photo's didn't show but I remembered typically seeing. They just went for the silver paint look there, presumably after some asbestos removal campaign...


Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
Just so that you don't think I've given up on 126, or that I'm slacking :D , here's a few piccies by way of an update on the progress:

40126 decals.jpg

40126 Boiler water tank gauge.jpg

After Andrews comments about vac & steam heating pipes on the 40's I decided I would remove the JLTRT 'one pipe fits all' affair, chop 'em and change their appearance as I was not happy with them. For the steam heat pipe I added some 1.5mm OD glass fibre braided hose:

40126 Altered Steam Heat Pipe.jpg

For the vac pipes I used the JLTRT pipe but cut it so that it resembled the real thing a bit better (I still think there is room for improvement on this one.... perhaps on the next 40 :D ):

40126 Altered Vac Pipe.jpg

Right, back to decals and getting the next varnish coat done on 126.


Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
Now that 40126 has decals and a coat of Klear applied to them I decided to get the last few coats of varnish onto the body. I have to confess I dropped a clanger with the last coat of varnish, how I don't know, but I obviously applied too much varnish whilst spraying and ended up with a bit of a run :(

So out with the 5000 grit wet 'n' dry and after removing the varnish sag another coat was applied. Now whenever I have rubbed varnish down it leaves a white surface which looks like I have horrifically damaged the surface. But after application of the varnish this 'white' area magically disappears. I have no idea of the science behind this but I'm just pleased the mark does disappear :)

With the first coat drying I had 40118 running and trying to get it to go round that 'tight' curved track I have. I noticed how the loco had developed a clicking noise in one direction and pinned it down to the Delrin chain moving over the spring mechanism that I had used (the Cliff Williams method). Additionally I noticed that one of the Delrin sprocketts on the driving axles was slipping too, so I stripped the loco and set about pinning it.

That went remarkably well:

40118 Pinned Axle.jpg

The Delrin sprocket was drilled along with the axle using a 0.7mm bit then a piece of NS wire inserted and some loctite applied. Success!! In hindsight, perhaps I should drill the hole, tap it, then put in a small machine screw.

Next was to strip out the spring mechanism for the centre axle, seeing the bogie frame like this is like going back to day 1 :( :

40118 Stripped out axle spring.jpg

I then replaced that with my latest iteration of spring loading (as seen in a previous thread) ..... success... again!!! (must be something in the water today!)

With 118 back together I gave her a run this evening and she ran really well. It seems like each build is slowly being improved upon... but all's well that ends well I guess. Tomorrow I will put the last coat of varnish on 40126, leave it for 7 days then start weathering the loco body.

In the meantime I've started planning my next builds... so watch this space :)


Mr Grumpy

Western Thunderer
In the meantime I've started planning my next builds... so watch this space :)


I bet it's a class 40 LOL :D

Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
A spot of weathering done on 40126.... I'm only halfway through the process but thought I'd post to gauge opinion on the attempt at the 'huge' oil leak on No1 end:

40126 side view weathered.jpg

40126 No 2 end weathered.jpg

40126 No 1 end weathered.jpg

Once this is dry then I will put the windows in and then apply a few mist sprays of Frame dirt and roof dirt to ties everything in. I'm just not sure I've quite got the oil leak right.


Cliff Williams

Western Thunderer
Where did you get the 1.5mm braided hose please? They are looking great especially the fuel gauges.
For my next JLTRT 40 I will flush glaze it after painting, laborious cutting Vivak clear plastic to fit, it does not get affected by superglue used sparingly too.
ePlastics Mobile Store

Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
Where did you get the 1.5mm braided hose please? They are looking great especially the fuel gauges.
For my next JLTRT 40 I will flush glaze it after painting, laborious cutting Vivak clear plastic to fit, it does not get affected by superglue used sparingly too.
ePlastics Mobile Store

Hi Cliff,

I purchased the braided hose from here:

1.0mm Braided Hose Sleeving - Glass Fibre (1m) | Prime-Miniatures

Initially I had used the 1.5mm internal dia stuff but that was too big, so elected for the 1.0mm internal dia and I think it looks about right.


Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
Well I've toned down the oil stain and I'm a little happier with it. Once the last bit of weathering was done I decided to put the loco back together again. All that remains tomorrow is glazing, windscreen wipers and the scavenge fan & grill (when they turn up :) ):

40126 No 1 end (1).jpg

40126 No 2 end (1).jpg

40126 No 2 end (2).jpg

40126 No 1 end (2).jpg

A few more things learnt whilst building this so hopefully others will start to become easier and better!!


(I've just noticed that I need to add the chains to the buffer beam pipework)
Last edited:

Mr Grumpy

Western Thunderer
I can almost feel it ticking over! A REALY great build and very nice paint job :thumbs:
I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation of your next 40...I mean loco :D

Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
That looks nice, you can barely see the lighter bonnet top, just how it should be :thumbs:


Hi Mick,

Thank you. I was concerned once I had first done the RM faded blue bonnet tops.... that I'd gone a bit too far!! As soon as the muck went on it was easy to tone down thank goodness.


Healey Mills

Western Thunderer
I can almost feel it ticking over! A REALY great build and very nice paint job :thumbs:
I'm on the edge of my seat in anticipation of your next 40...I mean loco :D

Hi Richard,

Thank you for your comments. With regards to paint jobs.... I still need to find a method that reduces/ stops 'stuff' getting onto the wet paint and the worst offender, wet varnish. Those 'bits' that stick to the loco drive me bananas and cause me untold problems.

Still a few bits to finish on 126 yet but with regards the next build.... I am just faffing about with the JLTRT ZZA snow plough (I'll have to change my thread title if I post pics :D ). The cab of the plough is proving to be a right pain in the ......

For future builds, well yes, as you guessed I have another 40 to build. That is going to be 40009 during it's latter years as the last remaining Longsight based 'vo' loco with no boiler water tanks. I think next to the rest of the fleet it will look a bit different and as a model I'm not sure how it will look with that big gaping gap between the bogies.



Western Thunderer
Hi Lee, :thumbs:

Just start another thread for the snowplough.

This thread gets better by the post.

Steve :cool: