After a mornings work, the half-time scores....
After Mick had pointed out the faded blue nose tops to these locos (something I'd never noticed before in photo's or on the real thing - but once you do it seems to draw my attention now!!), I thought I'd have a go at replicating this. Well, erm... masking the loco, I'm a bit new to this and it's not something I profess to be good at. My first few attempts with the narrowest Tamiya tape were not good
Last attempt was with some 0.75mm tape which was used to get the curve, then use the Tamiya stuff:
With the curve beneath the windows done it just left the actual nose top area to do:
Thinking about any over-spray I elected to add some surplus Frog Tape (this stuff is rubbish by the way):
Having now reached the point of paranoia about over-spray (I'm sure many would have stopped adding tape ages ago - no sniggering at the back there!!):
Good grief, it's a good job I don't do this for a living.... I wouldn't make much money and I'd need shares in Tamiya!!
Anyway, cutting to the chase, after a bit of faded blue later, the preliminary results are ok:
(Where do those bl**dy bits come from????)
I'm hoping to get the side (darker blue) done too today but for the moment the loco is drying - not wanting to push my luck too far.
In the meantime I weighed 40060 and it came out at exactly 1.25kgs. I have had a look on t'internet before to see if there is any guidance about loco weights (I know the O gauge Guild has some guidelines for wagons) but I have never found any for locos. Does anyone know what the maximum or minimum weights O gauge locos should be, or any guidelines at all with relation to loco axle numbers/ tractive force? I guess there must be a maximum based on the motors/ current available??
Failing this, I think I shall stick weight along the inside loco body and any extra can be temporarily fixed on the bed of the loco frame so I can add/ remove as necessary whenever I can get to run these.