Okey-dokes - dredging this up from the bowels of page 7 of Area 51 here are some of the things I completed in the last half of 2013. I've not got photos of everything - these are just the ones I've got stored on my cloud. Once I can access my hard drives again I'll put some more piccies up.
First up a companion the the earlier SR van, but this one in a very grubby pre-1936 livery.
Next up is a Parkside Pill Box brake in the post-1936 livery. A lovely kit with lots of little detail parts which took quite a while to put together, but all the parts fitted perfectly giving you a lot of modelling time for the outlay and no frustration factor.
I never did get to Telford last year, but met up with Jim at the December trade show at Reading where I handed over the second Queen Mary brake, this time a vacuum-only version in SR brown.Jim supplied the painted guard.
It's a bit of a big beastie!
I know very little about the Southern and it's stock, but the level of detail seems pretty good to my ignorant eyes.
Last up is something I'd wanted to build for ages - an SR PLV. I just love how these things never seem to have been cleaned from one repaint to the next, so are the grot aficionado's ultimate dream.
Under the grime it's actually finished in malachite - hints of it can be seen where the dirt has been worn away by the jackets and hands of the porters loading the van. I found a photo where someone had even managed to chalk something illegible in the grime on a window - I just had to replicate that! I added a bit of extra detail to the underframe - some pipe runs and safety loops - as they add so much to the overall picture.