To complete the original question about assembly of the sides / ends / roof of a Cl.37 - the posts here have helped in deciding how to approach the task. The first step was to clean the "tab" on top of each side and the corresponding slot in the roof to ensure that each body side was flush with the roof at the cantrail. The second step was to fix one side to the roof using 5 minute Araldite epoxy as the adhesive and with the floor / second side for location. The parts were held in position by the use of masking tape wrapped from side to side and over the roof - strips at each end and in the middle of the side. After the glue had "set" I cleaned the surface of the joint with Butanone. The second step was repeated with the other body side.
Whilst others have found ways to assemble cabs and sides
before fitting the rear bulkheads into the cabs I was not comfortable with the idea of inserting the bulkheads
after gluing cabs to sides (see
this topic). A dry run of one cab plus loose bulkhead into the sides/roof established that:-
a) the bulkhead was loose in the back of the cab;
b) the cab was loose between the sides.
I stuck Evergreen strip around the edge of the bulkhead so that the bulkhead was a good fit into the cab... and pushed the cab sides outwards enough so that the cab became a sliding fit into the sides/roof. Araldite 5 minute expoy was used to secure the strip around the bulkhead.
Working with one cab I sanded the joint faces of the cab / sides / roof to get a good fit with minimal gap whilst maintaining the body line from side to end (using a steel ruler to check alignment). Araldite epoxy used as before. Whilst the side to roof joints have minimal tolerance for adjustment the cab to body joint has some freedom of vertical movement. I chose to set the cab against the roof such that there is minimal step at the point where the cab rain strips meet the main roof - I think that this minimises the need for filling / sanding of the joint.
regards, Graham