Photos could be a good thing...
I have added photos of the ABC motor bogie and JLTRT bogie inner / outer frames to my
workbench topic.
When life gets tough with one of the models being built currently then a visit to the Shelf Queens Store is always a good thing. So this weekend some thought has been given to the next JLTRT diesel to visit the workbench - a re-furb Class 50 to be out-shopped in Large Loco Blue.
Fitting "lights" to a Cl.50 looks like a nightmare compared to a diesel with a bonnet / nose such as a Cl.37 and that is down to the limited space between the inner face of the cab front and the control desk. The Cl.50 cab appears to have around 2.5mm of space between the nose and the desk, that measurement compares unfavourably with the 4.5mm depth of some 2mm lighthouse LEDs which are being used for the marker lights of the Cl.37. I might consider making recesses in the control desk moulding - not high on my list of "things to do". So what other options do I have?
I recollect that Martin (
@Pugsley) has used other products for his JLTRT diesel, such as coloured lenses from 'Little-Cars', fibre optic pipe, and surface mount diodes. Might this collection of parts be a way of providing lighting for a Cl.50?
* Red lenses inserted into holes drilled through the cab moulding;
* A short section of 2mm light guide behind the lens;
* A SMD mounted on the rear face of the control desk and in close proximity to the inner-most end of the light guide.
Thoughts on this approach?
Whilst I am asking this question in respect of a Class 50, I suspect that other "flat-front" diesels from JLTRT have similar problems (for example, Cl.24, 25, 26, 27... maybe even Cl.22).
regards, Graham