Come on Stuart more pics pls
Go on then, you've twisted my arm...
My ropey trackwork doesn't look too bad until you photograph it from this angle. There is a cunning plan to do something about it involving a large bag of C&L bits. One day ...
Stranraer's 46467 pauses by the water tank. The original was at Sorbie and is a 1920s replacement for the WR's original wooden one. The WR's wooden water towers were quite photogenic but I doubt they would have survived until the 1960s. In any case, largely thanks to Jamie (South By Southwest) of this parish I operate an 'anti-shortbread' policy preferring rural grot to Grannie's Heilan' Hame (or lowlan' Hame for that matter). The signals are Ratio placeholders, some proper G&SWR ones courtesy of MSE/51L await their turn on the bench. The branch leading off left behind the signalbox (Crossmichael) leads down to the harbour and the enigmatic Hawkshaw Estate Tramway.
Gratuitous Brian Monaghan-esque helicopter shot showing the rather cramped location the layout currently resides in. The two Palvans sitting in the Tramway Company's exchange siding are waiting to be tripped down to Glenn-Campbell Shortbread Ltd on South Street by whatever ramshackle motive power the HET is currently borrowing (well all that shortbread had to go somewhere). Some sort of half built East Anglian NPCCS vehicle appears to have wandered into the yard.
More later, and hopefully a bit more variety than what happened to be sitting on the layout at the time. Apart from being cramped and badly lit, photography is frequently stymied by the fact that my 4 yr old's room is next door, and he doesn't need
any excuse to get out of bed to see what all the clumping about is !
For Dave and Ian.