Dapol Turbot Wagons Converting to S7


Western Thunderer
Adam, UK wagons are the thinnest of thin ends of any wedge in my interest profile :p

Y'all lucky I got the correct number of axles :eek:

To be honest, the overall width is probably not going to change much among the many cast truck manufacturers, there is a limit to how far you can push physics 'in general terms'.

I think the ASF drawing is probably close enough for 'government' work.

I know (and don't blame you!) and as you say, the bolster will be close enough. Ultimately, all the UK cast steel bogies - Gloucester, English Steel, Davis and Lloyd, etc, are versions of US originals. ASF versions like that came with EWS and Thrall in the '90s and were put under Salmons as replacements for life-expired plate bogies with plain bearings, but similar bogies (although with plain bearings) were bought by the Southern under Bulleid in the '40s and put under various items of freight stock.


richard carr

Western Thunderer
The drawing arrived today and the width of the bogie over the bolster is 96.13 inches which scales to 56.08 mm. The model supplied measures 48.3 mm over the bolster a whopping 7.78mm too narrow.

My extended bogies measure 54mm over the bolster so still 2mm short, so on with the etch to get them to the full width.


richard carr

Western Thunderer
The etch arrived yesterday


So after about 30 minutes this is what it turns into



The tabs hold everything together while you solder it up then need cutting off and filing flush


The bearings are from Alan Gibson, 1/8th inch axle bearings £2.50 for 10



I have then glued the original bolster and side frames in place with super glue. There are holes in the etch to allow you to screw the central portion to it if you prefer.


There are 2 errors on the etch, I forgot to allow for the thickness of the bearing, so I have had to file the back off the wheels to get them to the correct back to back and the side supports stick out too much , but I just cut off the offending bit with some track cutters so that it fits fine now.
I'll fix both of these for the next version.

richard carr

Western Thunderer
The revised etch for the bogie has arrived back from PPD, you can see that the axle supports are 2mm narrower so no filing the back off S7 wheels and these would work with finescale wheels.

With the Dapol bogie bolster coming out soon I am expecting those to have the same issues as they run on the same bogies and the turbots were conversion from the bogie bolsters.
