Difficulty in accessing WT


Flying Squad
Hi all. Over the last couple of days I've run into problems with WT.

Thanks for flagging this up - I wasn't aware of any problems as I hadn't seen anything so I have been investigating.
I think the server has run out of storage space.

Having recently done a full site backup I was fairly sure it's not storage space, we're currently using on 38% capacity on disk space.

The error logs have reported "too many i/o connections" at various intervals during the last couple of days. It appears that we are being bombarded with multiple page view requests thus exceeding the allowable number of concurrent connections. This seems to be happening on 2 fronts, the first is the robots - generally these are search engine indexing robots which should be throttle to a limited number of connections but Bing seems to particularly agressive at the moment with multiple requests. However the biggest culprit is the 150+ guests the vast majority of which appear to be based in Singapore or China. I've asked the hosting company if there is a way to block the Chinese "guests" in the meantime all I can hope for is they get bored trying to hack into the forum and move onto a different website to bombard.


Western Thunderer
However the biggest culprit is the 150+ guests the vast majority of which appear to be based in Singapore or China. I've asked the hosting company if there is a way to block the Chinese "guests" in the meantime all I can hope for is they get bored trying to hack into the forum and move onto a different website to bombard.
We were having the same problem as few months ago on the S4 forum. Seems these people are doing the rounds of model railway forums. If you contact the S4 forum people they might be able to help. The hosting company was not interested, and so no use at all. I'm not sure what solution worked in the end.

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
It appears that we are being bombarded with multiple page view requests thus exceeding the allowable number of concurrent connections.

I understand that those hawking large language models for their so-called AI schemes have also been guilty of this, due to their bots "scraping" vast amounts of data from the web to feed their obsession.

Thank you, Adrian, for looking after us and keeping Western Thunder going. :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
I understand that those hawking large language models for their so-called AI schemes have also been guilty of this, due to their bots "scraping" vast amounts of data from the web to feed their obsession.

Thank you, Adrian, for looking after us and keeping Western Thunder going. :thumbs:

Whilst that is probably the case, it does beg the question as to what answers you would get from an AI that took its learning input from this forum…?


Western Thunderer
Thank you all for your attention to the matter I raised - particularly and once again, to Adrian. I can't claim to understand what's going on but I have a sense of security knowing that someone does! As for AI, I'm with Heather on that one.

I'm pleased to say that over the last few days things have improved and "service" is very much back to normal.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer

I'm having a bit of a drama trying to put a post together with text jumping all over the place as I type.


Anyone else having this issue ?



Western Thunderer
I've asked the hosting company if there is a way to block the Chinese "guests" in the meantime all I can hope for is they get bored trying to hack into the forum and move onto a different website to bombard.
Perhaps they want there RTR toys back !
As for AI this will be nothing but big problems, the security of the internet was stuffed before the invention of AI and as for the Chinese if your reading this, go stick up your **** !


Western Thunderer
I've asked the hosting company if there is a way to block the Chinese "guests" in the meantime all I can hope for is they get bored trying to hack into the forum and move onto a different website to bombard.
Perhaps they want there RTR toys back !
As for AI this will be nothing but big problems, the security of the internet was stuffed before the invention of AI and as for the Chinese if your reading this, go stick up your **** !


Western Thunderer
We're back to where we were when I first reported the issues! I thought it had sorted itself out but apparently we are of great interest to the bots! A previous attempt to get in to the site had the text jumping about. You are not alone. As it is I can't get this one to post.



Western Thunderer
We're back to where we were when I first reported the issues! I thought it had sorted itself out but apparently we are of great interest to the bots! A previous attempt to get in to the site had the text jumping about. You are not alone. As it is I can't get this one to post.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Well, at least I can get back on here now. The forum disappeared for a bit. However, I can't quote a post as the cursor defaults into the quote.
I shall keep trying, if only as an experiment but definitely shenanigans afoot.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Well, at least I can get back on here now. The forum disappeared for a bit. However, I can't quote a post as the cursor defaults into the quote.
I shall keep trying, if only as an experiment but definitely shenanigans afoot.


Seems better..........couldn't do this before