Brian, I personally wouldn't scratch build from Isinglass myself, my view is that they are reasonably accurate overall drawings, same as any set of drawings out there really, excepting works drawings. I do have a GA of the A4 and I'm sure I picked up an A3 last time I was at York, certainly have the A1 and A2, all pretty much use the same motion in that area and certainly the A4 does, I'll grab that part of the GA and send it over tonight for you.
Regarding cleaning, strip it down and spray liberally in Viakal spray and let soak for five minutes or so, then drop it in warm water and scrub gently with a worm tooth brush or say a 1/2" paint brush and then leave to dry, that'll get most of the crud off. Viakal does turn any excessive solder a milky colour but it is clean and will take primer easily. Viakal may leave a residue but I've not had issues with it in the past. There are other ways to clean but thats what I use and it works for far![]()
Brian, a quick check and I did not collect the A3 drawings from NRM last time and the A4 is the firemans side so not as detailed on drivers linkage as could be, but, attached an image of the same linkage on an A4 and they are but identical as far as I can recall.
It's interesting to note that DJH have us connecting through a hole below where it all mount to the frames Brian -sorry I am not that au-fait with what the bits are called.
This photo should explain it better - DJH have us mounting through the screw in the green square but in reality it should be mounted higher up via the mounting in the red square as per Mick's prototype shot above - Thanks Mick I had never noticed that before despite taking dozens of shots of A4 valve gear.....
It's interesting to note that DJH have us connecting through a hole below where it all mount to the frames Brian -sorry I am not that au-fait with what the bits are called.
This photo should explain it better - DJH have us mounting through the screw in the green square but in reality it should be mounted higher up via the mounting in the red square as per Mick's prototype shot above - Thanks Mick I had never noticed that before despite taking dozens of shots of A4 valve gear.....
Which then raises a supplementary question of academic interest only, at the moment, although when I come to my 2-6-4 tanks it will be a prime concern - what setting do you put on the valve gear in such a case where locos will run as often in reverse as forwards?
The group help here is absolutely wonderful, so thank you all.
Easy Brian.
Cut a new rear portion and hide the join with the rivetted strip.
It's interesting to note that DJH have us connecting through a hole below where it all mount to the frames Brian -sorry I am not that au-fait with what the bits are called.
This photo should explain it better - DJH have us mounting through the screw in the green square but in reality it should be mounted higher up via the mounting in the red square as per Mick's prototype shot above - Thanks Mick I had never noticed that before despite taking dozens of shots of A4 valve gear.....