Morning All,
Thanks for all the comments, some feedback for you in regards to the DCC Sound conversion. I have effectively copied exactly what Digitrains recommend which is to replace the factory speaker location with a stay alive and upgraded the speaker (The factory one is okay but found it a bit tinny in comparison to the upgraded one) which I have slotted into the back of the cab, which you wouldn't know was there unless you were looking for it.
However, if you keep the factory speaker where it is, I think your could remove the metal block which the Decoder is mounted to and replace this with a plasticard frame which the Stay Alive would slot in to thus keeping it all under the body and avoiding anything being mounted in the cab.
The thing to bear in mind is the lights for the forward directional travel spot light is mounted on the PCB and follow up with a piece of perspex plastic so you would need to make sure you mounted the PCB in the correct place if doing this.
Hope this is of help,