Western Thunderer
Last one down the Cafe get's the coffee in !

Unfortunately it'll only be a virtual coffee, although impressive it is "only" a video game and not the real Mountain.Last one down the Cafe get's the coffee in !
Thought I'd start a new thread as there seems to be a lot of current/ex bikers around.
So to get the ball rolling I offer this.
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My old 'one lunger' which I could ride up the wooden stairs behind it to my first floor flat !
Got plenty more to post later.
Did enjoy my old HD, post #8, although I was really a cafe racer man but I would have it back if I could.
You could really upset this Mod coming up behind him on main beam burning his rear view mirrors but he'd get you back after you'd passed himAllegedly this is a proper scooter. Who can say where the Scammell Showtrac and generator is parked?
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Sorry, don’t know.Davey, what is Q761? It looks interesting.
regards Rog
LI series 3.My first motor vehicle was a red and white scooter, maybe a Lambretta 150, that a pal and I purchased at the school fair white elephant stall for a fiver. I think we were about ten, so 55 years or so ago. My next door neighbour kindly collected it from the owner and rode it to my pal’s house, about five miles away, where we happily rode it up and down his drive.
I’m sure, looking back, that his parents must have been delighted…
it was very much nicer than this one, currently on eBay for £2150. Should have kept it!
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