Hayfields 7mm 3D Printed Turnouts


Western Thunderer
I am sorry for a long delay in adding to this thread, the reasons are :-

1 I have been finishing off 4 kit built locos
2 Waiting for the latest Templot release
3 Waiting for plug track parts
4 The Scale7 Albury meet is getting nearer, where I will be demonstrating 7mm scale 3D COT and Plug track

Well the locos have nearly been taken as far as they can be until the weather has turned both dryer and warmer
Secondly the Templot release has arrived, I have cut the ply for my 7mm COT track test plank
Finally waiting for a filament dryer which apparently will improve the performance of my printing

Also I have been having a chat with a couple of folk, Terry who will be printing the additional parts I require for the plug track kit, Terry also asked me for a couple of prints of FDM bases, both COT and plug, and another retailer who is interested in the concept of 3D track printing for his next personnel project

So the COT/Plug track projects are back on and after the priority items I will have a go at printing a 4mm scale COT track turnout
