Peter and I were im-"pressed" by the retaining walls of Heyside and we have decided to try the same material for our rendition of the Parkend retaining wall (at the back of the platform). Searching for "depron" on ebay and the interweb gave lots of silly leads (silly in that we do not want any underfloor heating or juat a manufacturer which provided details of distributors or a supplier of model aircraft offering small sheets at big prices!). No matter what search string we used the only sensible answer was still the same... Kudos.
OK, so we can have 3mm or 6mm, we can have white or grey, we can have different sheet sizes and/or different numbers of sheets.... all of that is understandable and we have survived the experience. However, there is one aspect of buying from Kudos which puzzles me, the difference between products which have the same technical spec and yet are offered under different Ebay "buy now" entries. Some of the sheet is described as "BNIB" and "foam insulation" while some sheet is described as "underwood insulation"... both ebay entries have the same blurb and the same technical spcification.
What do you make of this question?
regards, Graham