7mm Heyside: 7mm L&Y, late 50s/early 60s

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Nice to see a 9F at Heyside Richard :cool::thumbs:

BTW, I drove the 194 service into Barnsley the other day & there were plenty of terrace rows with sloping roofs :)


Western Thunderer
Nice to see a 9F at Heyside Richard :cool::thumbs:

BTW, I drove the 194 service into Barnsley the other day & there were plenty of terrace rows with sloping roofs :)
Just as well really, Flat roofs in Barnsley wouldnt be good with all the rain they have:)) Coats on and leaving:oops:


Western Thunderer
Colne has many fine examples, in this photo the houses on the right have one long continuous roof,
whereas the ones on the left are stepped every 4 houses - as for the ones in the middle they've been demolished!

View attachment 11375

Google streetview link
Good shot and it highlights my initial concern with the houses on Heyside, there's no access to the back gardens, each garden should have a rear gate to a long access passage, especially as it looks like each has its own outside dunny :). Other than that looks very nice indeed.


Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Those terrace houses could have a communal path past the back doors rather than at the end of the gardens, they should have front door steps though :)

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Sunday morning in Bolton.... not sure why, just was. Well at least the weather was decent. Opposite the hotel was this desolation and I thought of Heyside.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Walking into the centre of the town, on my way to Caffe Nero for breakfast (tea and porridge), I came across this interesting scene...


Now this is a public thoroughfare and those stillages are on the pavement.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
On the other side of the road was this scene...


Stillages again, this time the bins are on the road. The foundry is in buildings on both sides of Salop Street.



The business is called Shakespeare Foundry, the initials are on the gate and the full name is written on the board over the red girder.

What was so surprising is that the place was a hive of activity at 11am on a Sunday morning.

regards, Graham


Flying Squad
You do stay in the poshest of places Graham!

I do like industrial dereliction. There's a disused factory on the Stourport/Kidderminster road that has just the sort of roof and roof vents that we are proposing for our new factory. I shall have to stop to take some photos sometime.

Thanks for posting the pictures.

Rain is belting down here again. We were cut off from the outside world for half a day Friday evening/Saturday morning due to flooding on the roads - a tiddly brook became a raging torrent and swept through some houses. Fortunately there was no sign of water ingress where Heyside is. phew!


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Nice that you have the roof line sorted. What made me stop and snap, apart from the ringing sound of the grinders (presumably fettling the castings to remove the runners), was the way in which the foundry had deposited the bins out on the road - worthy of including if you have room.

regards, Graham


Mid-Western Thunderer
Places like that foundry in Bolton are a reminder of how things used to be, when Industry was cheek-by-jowl with housing, and the "Inner City" was not just one big shopping Arcade. There are areas around Birmingham still like that. Most Industry has now moved out to Industrial Estates of course, or just closed down completely....:(
Mindyou, the stillages on the road remind me that, having done my fair share of deliveries to city back streets, I'd sooner go to an industrial estate any day...:rolleyes:

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
You do stay in the poshest of places Graham!

Rain is belting down here again. We were cut off from the outside world for half a day Friday evening/Saturday morning due to flooding on the roads...

Well the view was a bit better than where Peter was staying in Preston! I had intended to stay near to the East Lancs Railway and got myself confused. Never mind, spent all of Saturday travelling up and down the line behind the Cl.37, deafening when going through the tunnels northbound (rising gradient).

Flooding? Do I need flippers for later this week?

regards, Graham

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
There are areas around Birmingham still like that.

A few years back I did the odd driving job to keep my hand in and many of the places where I went in Brum were just as you say... the stench from the plating works was a real irritant.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
... There's a disused factory on the Stourport/Kidderminster road that has just the sort of roof and roof vents that we are proposing for our new factory. I shall have to stop to take some photos sometime.

If you can be a little more specific then I may be able to assist later this week for Peter and I are intending to spend some time on the Valley. GPS co-ords not necessary, road number will help along with an indication as to which side of the road when travelling from A to B etc..

regards, Graham


Rain is belting down here again. We were cut off from the outside world for half a day Friday evening/Saturday morning due to flooding on the roads - a tiddly brook became a raging torrent and swept through some houses. Fortunately there was no sign of water ingress where Heyside is. phew!

I did wonder when I read about Cleobury being cut off, but at least you are on higher ground.


Flying Squad

The factory is on the A451 Stourport Road which runs from Kiddi to Stourport. It is between Beauchamp Avenue and Lisle Avenue (on the opposite side of the main road to those Avenues) and is on the right as you travel from Kiddi.

Flippers, water wings, snorkel - all the usual attire for country living.


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Flippers, water wings, snorkel - all the usual attire for country living.

I "kiddi" you not, sounds like there is enough water to hold an Olympic swimming event in your locality.

I shall try to get some photos, what are you needing? Scenes? Details?

regards, Graham

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
You do stay in the poshest of places Graham!

There's a disused factory on the Stourport/Kidderminster road that has just the sort of roof and roof vents that we are proposing for our new factory.

So you want upper-class dereliction then?

For the avid readers of the Heyside Herald, here are some photographs of Richard's preferred "disused and derelict abode" which may influence the shape and style of a foundry down the back of Terrace Row.

Just so we all know what is made there:-


Who said "Get the roofline right and the rest will just come along OK"? I think it was either Scott or Pugin... so this is what Richard is trying to achieve:-


"What's behind that green door?" Well, in deference to the vociferous crowd, the door is faded denim blue:-


Go Richard go! Pictures of the final model by the end of the month?

regards, Graham

Dog Star

Western Thunderer

Peter and I were im-"pressed" by the retaining walls of Heyside and we have decided to try the same material for our rendition of the Parkend retaining wall (at the back of the platform). Searching for "depron" on ebay and the interweb gave lots of silly leads (silly in that we do not want any underfloor heating or juat a manufacturer which provided details of distributors or a supplier of model aircraft offering small sheets at big prices!). No matter what search string we used the only sensible answer was still the same... Kudos.

OK, so we can have 3mm or 6mm, we can have white or grey, we can have different sheet sizes and/or different numbers of sheets.... all of that is understandable and we have survived the experience. However, there is one aspect of buying from Kudos which puzzles me, the difference between products which have the same technical spec and yet are offered under different Ebay "buy now" entries. Some of the sheet is described as "BNIB" and "foam insulation" while some sheet is described as "underwood insulation"... both ebay entries have the same blurb and the same technical spcification.

What do you make of this question?

regards, Graham