Now here's a slightly funny thing.
After looking at the photos a little better and on a decent monitor I picked up the name Elm's Lane as the crane's allocation. Now many moons ago, like probably 20-25years ago Dad and I saw a layout which I swear had the same name at York show. It wasn't huge, but oozed character and had a crane; this crane? as a centerpiece. We were told it was a limited edition kit and very rare (both true). At that time neither Dad nor I modelled in 7mm and I suspect neither of us had tackled a brass kit in anger at that point in time.
But it did stick with us; both of us were looking out for the kit of the beastie from the moment we got serious about the senior scale, until I happened upon the unbuilt and thankfully complete version that I now have sat on a shelf in the office as I progress the research to build the Salisbury breakdown train. That was at Telford on the bring-and-buy a couple of years ago.
The long and short of it is that I venture to shorten the odds slightly on how easy it is to get a good model out of the kit; I guess my own experience will bear that out (or not) in due course. It now emerges that I've only seen four of these cranes built; this one, the one on Hassel Harbour Bridge (which irritates the c^&% out of me, as it's finished in NER livery), both of which are well built and another two which were awful.
As an aside one of these latter 'awful' builds was by a guy at a local club when I was a nipper. He paid good money (over £600 IIRC) for it as an unbuilt kit and then managed to bodge it together, as was his unfortunate reputation and particular skill. I was offered a fair amount of money at one point to rebuild it for him, realised that it was an impossible job and I believe it had a one-way trip with the men from the council shortly after that. What a waste...
Sorry about waxing lyrical for a few moments there, funny what the memory does. Can you imagine what I'll be like when I'm retired? You can? Then kindly keep it to yourself...