JLTRT 37 517 in Loadhaul, S7 & lots of detail.


Western Thunderer
Here are a couple of shots of 37 401 at Bo'Ness I took for Tom last weeked. A few more on file if need be.
I would love to know more about Pugsleys transfers/artwork for my 37s !
Seeing as there seems to be some demand for them, I'm in the process of tidying them up and redrawing a couple of parts, adding a couple more and then I plan to have them available commercially in the next few weeks.


Not yet, but send me some photos of what you want, and I'll see what I can do! These were born out of my 37 project, but I have recently started looking at other notices, etc, that would be suitable for a wide range of locos.

Where shall I send the photo?
Also, what about ones for a western? Or a warship?


Western Thunderer
Drop us a pm, you can attach photos to those. I've had a quick look at Westerns, and if the preserved ones are anything to go by, there isn't much in the way of signage in the cab. I've not looked at the Warships yet.


On the westerns, the only ones I'm certain of are the on>>>off above the brake handwheel, and the ones above the door/side windows which showed loco number and maximum speed. The warships had that one as well.
PM'd you.
The photo isn't as good as I'd like, but you can make it out. Might be better etched, what do you think?


I agree. The original is obviously made by engraving onto some sort of plastic, but how many people even know they are there, let alone would replicate it?


Western Thunderer
Whilst Alcazar has been getting whipped up with his Western wish list I’ve been busy tweaking the 37 cab interior. So back to the topic in hand.

I've cut the seat back which got added to some of 37s late in their life. I'll paint this one before I glue in position.
Cab 1 19:1:2014.jpg
I've also scribed out the floor panels which will provide some useful channels for the weathering solutions to run between.
And finally I noticed the seats are too low. So after studying some prototype pics discovered that the JLTRT has the right seat base but about 4-5mm too low. I took a resin cast, then filed is down to a flat base plate, created a block from plastic strip and added the new cast base plate on top in line with the DSD pedal base.

Cab 2 19:1:2014.jpg More painting and weathering in the next update. Then the cab interiors will be complete. I'd like a driver in there, but not the Presier comedy characters or the other period characters on the market. Anyone seen any decent looking figures on the market?




Western Thunderer
I've been trying out my etches and so far so good.

Here is my template for adding the 4 bolt heads on the roof above the 2nd man's side.
3 sml.jpg

They provide some depth to the model and will be great for creating streaks when I weather it:)
7 sml.jpg

And the same on the driver's doors.
5 sml.jpg5B sml.jpg

And then after the template on the roof has been used, put it through the hold n fold and it becomes the template for correctly profiling the tank steps.
6 sml.jpg8 sml.jpg




Western Thunderer
Hi Tom - coincidence - I've just set off doing the same jobs as you've posted above - saves me doing a write up :) The bolts on the cab doors are all different on mine though - spotted before I drilled the holes luckily!



Incredible...a two-in-one gauge!

As an aside, WHY don't JLTRT do separate door handles? The moulded ones don't look like real ones at all.


Western Thunderer
Hi, I need a spot of advice so hoping some kind soul will put know what I need. The driver's area in a 37 had has a sort of rubber material that roughly followed the profile of the desk round to the foot well/dsd area (roughly where the number 4 is on the pic).


JLTRT CAB 1 pic2 9:6:2014.jpg

I'm after some easy to paint and malleable material so I can form the curve. Any ideas please?




Western Thunderer
Hi Tom, some left of field thinking here but bear with me. I have noticed in dolls house shops some ultra thin lead sheet for those who make their own roofs from individual slate tiles etc, thin enough to be cut by decent scissors, why not form some round a thin piece of pre formed wire then trim it to shape. Should take paint like humbrol ok even if it needs priming first. Just a thought, cheers Rob


Western Thunderer
I used tissue, painted with cheap acrylic paints with a bit of pva in the mix for flexibility. I'll post a pic later so you can judge for yourself.


Western Thunderer
OK, so I tried some tissue and that didn't look right. Admittedly it wasn't the greatest of stuff. The lead seemed like a good idea but I'm feeling impatient and couldn't be bothered to wait for delivery of some. Looking around the workshop I found some scrap brass frets (I knew they'd be useful for something). So feeling like an I gauge old timer out it came and I battered it into shape. I drilled a tiny hold and then found some 0.3mm wire, and added a solder blob on the end for the horn, now will this be the one and only time I want the solder to blob? OK, someone tell me when to stop. I've contracted a very bad case of detailitis!



Western Thunderer
Having made a start on the bogies and loosely fitting the together with the wheels and axles in place, I've discovered things are extremely tight. I think I might have to get a very large file out. But before I start, has anyone converted a JLTRT loco to S7 using the JLTRT inner bogie frame rather than using others?

