If you enjoy that scale and tanks etc look up a guy on YouTube called 'Night Shift ' A very talented modeller with excellent weathering techniques that can be carried over to our hobby .It's probably 1:35 scale or such like?
Reminds me of an incident where-I-used-to-work?
Bedford TM 8 tonner, mounted in a Cedergrens skid frame [for driver training on heavy waggins without ABS, but with air brakes]
Recovering from skids, and teaching how to cadence brake a rapid stop without ABS but with air brakes...
One day, the outfit was charging down the 'skid area', the driver commenced cadence braking....and the whole front axle parted company from its spring mounts, and ended up cuddling up to the rear axle...
The skid frame probably cost more than the truck...but training for that week on LGVs ame to a halt......
The FMT/3 incident report would have made interesting reading to those sat behind a desk!
Nowadays, MAN SV 6 tonners, or the little [but powerful] EOD vans on the bloo light courses are used.
Don't 'arf get through the tyres doing that!