Just for a laugh


Western Thunderer
Not sure how this will go down but we'll give it a go. Based on a joke by 'Teacher Ami' on Youtube:

Three men are hiking in the countryside, one is a Hindu, one a Jew and the other a politician. Its late in the day and they start wondering about where to spend the night but they are miles from anywhere. In the distance they see a farmhouse so they make their way towards it. The farmer answers the door and says "I can accommodate two in the house but the third will have to spend the night in the barn". So after a discussion the Hindu decides he will spend the night in the barn.

5 minutes later there's a knock on the farmhouse door and its the Hindu who says "I can't sleep in the barn because there's a cow in there which we regard as sacred, it would be a matter of disrespect to spend the night with it". So the Jew says he will spend the night in the barn.

5 minutes later there's a knock on the farmhouse door and its the Jew who says "I can't stay in the barn because there's a pig in there which we regard as unclean". So the politician says he will spend the night in the barn.

5 minutes later there's another knock on the farmhouse door, its the cow and the pig......


Western Thunderer
No, she’s got the umbrella, having had the archetypal wet husband a week or so earlier

EDIT. I considered removing this post as the posg to which it referred has been deleted, however, it seems to me to be a rich vein of web archeology for the future., and as such should now lie undisturbed for at least two governments.
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Flying Squad
Whilst a rich vein of humour is available poking fun at politicians when it becomes a little more partisan then it becomes rather too polarising for my liking. There are other channels for that so please avoid if possible, if you are thinking "should I post this?" then the answer is probably no.
