7mm Layouts and Dioramas by Stephen Fay Weymouth coal stage and St Stephen’s bank

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
77CF91B0-8A16-41CD-AC29-F51BE3956296.jpeg Track is now complete and power feeds added.
I’ve given the polystyrene a liberal coating of good PVA to seal it and applied the first of the plaster.
I won’t cover all of the polystyrene until after the Bristol show.

Prairie Tank

Western Thunderer
It was great to meet you today. Thank you for allowing me the honour to put my loco's on your superb lay out.

The Riviera Line looks even better in the flesh than it does in photo's, it really is stunning.

John :)

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
BE558CAE-6D2A-4A1B-BABE-5C45E5203D07.jpeg The Riviera line is now safely back home from Bristol, Big thanks to Mike Whatton for another superb tree delivered today and a Big Thanks to the Bristol gang for all their hard work transporting the layout.
Much appreciated guys have well deserved rest.


Western Thunderer

I admired your work at Bristol on Sunday.

Could you tell me please what is the proper name of the baseboard joiners that you use?

I would like to get hold of some, but clearly I am not using the correct search word!

Many thanks for your help.

Best regards

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
I’m just using coach bolts at the moment and clasps on the front and rear.
Pattern makers Dowels are the best things for a precise fit.