7mm Layouts and Dioramas by Stephen Fay Weymouth coal stage and St Stephen’s bank

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
I use kiln dried sand either side of the ballast, so far this has been sprayed with Railmatch sleeper grime, areas around the signal box will have some additional washes added later on.

Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
Please, is this project part of a working layout or a static diorama for presentation and photography? It looks both beautiful and railway-like.

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
The front section of the Holloway Tunnel board has been fixed and a new ply fascia added on and a coating of backing plaster applied, most will be covered in grass but in the front corner it will be sand stone with another water fall, I’ve also glued on the stone retaining wall and added some DAS clay in the joints which I can scribe once it sets.
A few more travel posters arrived today and these will also be framed and fixed to the fascia of the layout.7724A01E-AEE6-4528-9E00-316848BE8750.jpeg326D7D43-8D05-4504-9277-37FB664C0598.jpegC66C454F-3A80-41F2-99F6-A443A15399CE.jpegA4C8C2B2-F3F8-469E-A928-A19F7B8D8146.jpeg

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
I’ve bedded Teignton lane bridge in place this evening and plastered the road surface in place, here’s how the man planted forest will look once complete, I like the fact that the trains will disappear behind them which will encourage the viewer to move around the layout. Do I have enough trees ??
No I don’t! am I happy with how this layout is progressing, Yes very much so.A2E9DDCC-E1F8-4047-AC4D-70F0AC986218.png2BFC71E6-2A48-4DFE-A8AB-E4D15E091C93.png