7mm Layouts and Dioramas by Stephen Fay Weymouth coal stage and St Stephen’s bank

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Penzance Cardiff drifts down St Stephen’s bank with a classic Castle / Hall combination, 5043 from Cardiff Canton and 5904 from Bristol St Philips marsh, the hall will stay with the castle all the way to Bristol so I expect they will have a fast run and it’s an opportunity to get an unbalanced loco working back home.
Track weathered up this morning, still a little tidying up of the ballast on the edges and a small safety fence added from rail and old boiler tubes, ( that’s the problem with having board joints when the layout needs to come apart!936AE390-9680-4C8B-9CA5-2873415F28B2.png7476F592-5752-4579-A539-182E542DA48A.png

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Skytrex buttress added to the retaining wall and a mock up of the Dainton style tail lamp sighting mirror board that is being made up by Jon Fitness, today I’ve also poured the resin for Teignton falls stream
Meanwhile over on the S&D at Norton St Somers the track plan has been laid and hopefully the track will go down Monday
Thanks to Rob for printing it out, we will have the correct 60’ panels on this one. 88CD9CD9-3DC5-4CB3-AC53-7D19B1A9AABB.jpeg
I’m not sure how that Lionheart 45xx got there !

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Steve, have you got a complete layout plan so we can see the overall size of it

Hi Ken, the layout is 20’ long the main sections being 4’ x 3’ that all bolt together, however the centre board has a same size board that bolts on the front this being the Torcombe branch.
I don’t have a track plan although back a few pages I did post a picture of the track template printed off laid out down my hall, it’s a lazy return curve, hopefully by the autumn I’ll have all the sections bolted together and I can post some pics of it in its entirety and a little later some videos.
I am assuming it’s St Stephen’s we are talking about? Norton St Somers is just 6’ straight track

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
The signalman looks on in disbelief as that 45 only arrived today and it’s already dirty!
It’s been a warm day so spraying paint dries nice and quick. With this one as much as I put on I took back off and with it the printed BR late crest which was a bonus as I’ve not seen a printed one on a RTR model I like so a replacement set from Fox have been added instead. I’ll let this harden off over night and do a little more tomorrow before I give it a waft of sealant, Severnmill plates on order for her. She will become 4561 of Newton abbot shed. It’s a lovely model and better now the toy like sheen and silver rimmed wheels have gone. Bodes very well for the STd 3 tank to follow B773AFC1-455E-4709-8310-59D135ECF1A7.jpeg
Better pic tomorrow hopefully in the sun

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
My dads birthday present arrived ( Dapol Mk1 ) so after checking it over I took the opportunity to grab a few shots with the Holloway Tunnel board.
The teignton lane board is heading back to Bristol Saturday which will give me time to finish teignton falls on this board and hopefully there’s a few more trees due to arrive imminently that can be planted before it also returns to Bristol hopefully next week which will free up space for Marches road, bits of which I’ve been painting today along with some 4mm inspection pits.B7F87355-0E4B-43D8-9D78-95153F3346C5.png31434C11-7E72-4FCF-BC7F-CEC8489C2670.pngD9CAEEFC-66E4-431A-9D67-E6B871A2D5FF.pngEC225D85-6702-47A2-A51B-AAC0DCE44539.png98DA858F-75AA-485F-8DCD-6FBA022F7581.png682BBC56-C49C-47E1-AF68-85BEBE0C46EC.pngFE805C13-6CAF-4B75-845E-564C55C16F03.png

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
What can I say ! Wow
This one has been a long time coming, Huge thanks to Dan Haines for building and Paul Moore for painting.
MM1 Ex Malcolm Mitchell kit with a Warren Shephard tender plus castings from MM1 on the tender and from Warren on the Loco.
I’ll be collecting at Stafford in 2 weeks time.
Cant wait to see this on Canton or pounding up St Stephen’s bank on the Salop double home turn as she’s a Newton abbot loco.655EEAEB-9E13-460D-A404-F5B4473AF081.jpegB3FF6A93-1853-4FDE-808C-93475576585C.jpegC669666C-D7FB-4E04-8ABD-30AA040A2698.jpegEDC8A209-A234-43AE-A5FC-9A424C8D4DF3.jpeg