Western Thunderer
...................Me? Well, I dig out the GAs and start having fun...
Good Lad

...................Me? Well, I dig out the GAs and start having fun...
With you on steam, I've seen a lot of videos where the chuffing continues right down to 0 mph, hmm bit of a show killer that, but, the ones I saw yesterday sounded like steam trains, all 2cyl though but in sync with the wheels and yes could do with a bit more bass, even coasted quite well, very well actually, only thing missing was the chink chink chink from the anti vacuum valves, but they may well have been hidden inside on the 1:1 locos so wouldn't have been heard anyway?Diesel sound was what REALLY sold me on 7mm scale, although one has to be careful WHICH diesel. The Deltic, for example, sounds awful unless SOME bass can be found..........
Class 20's and 40's, on the other hand, are brilliant.
Steam........? ah, no, the ones I've seen are more than disappointing, being not much better than the old Mainline "chuff".
They need more bass, (difficult in that size body), they need the chuffs to be synchronised, they need to have the CORRECT number of cylinders and they need to be NOT generic. If you can't have all those, I'd not bother........
Oh, and when I was a kid, steam locos DID NOT whistle every 100 yds.......and every time they start/stop/enter a station/leave a station etc etc etc. Nor did/do diesels hoot........
My locos use Loksound so for the next I am going to try a Zimo chip, provided I can get one with 3 cylinder sound. It will be interesting to compare them. JB where did you say your Zimo chips come from, my memory has failed me after the excitement of the party
.......I really need to find space to put one on the G5.
How about shaping one of the crank webs as a cam, there not seen and would save space, although it would prove difficult know the cranks built up.
Individual steam locos sound so different. Anyone who doesn't believe me, go and record a Stanier Duchess starting off, then record a Stanier Rebuilt Scot and finally a Black 5. Entirely different.