On to the chassis, fitted the CSB and added extra spacer supports, which allow the fixing holes to be re-drilled.
I've just used the same CSB wire as the locos and due to the shorter distance between axles it's too firm so some smaller gauge will soften it up, there's no math involved, just by eye and feel, the centre axles have less pressure than the outers and it all feels level and smooth.
Anyway the pictures and notes, the model is not designed for S7 and there are a few pitfalls to catch the unwary, or put another way, next time I'd do things a little different
First up up, an overall 'dead bug' view
Of importance here are the two additional horns marked in red on the inner chassis, these are for the brake lay shaft (green), that's fine but when you add it the end bearings will not line up with the outer frames; so they have to go. The lay shaft will be beefed up and fixed to the outer frames, the cut away inner chassis will then 'slide' in under that part of the brake gear....it'll become clear as I progress...I hope
Another 'dead bug' view
The kit footplate comes with two half relieved etched slots in the base, these are for the outer frames to fit into, the inner one is scale width, the outer one the preferred 'tolerance' width. The inner one would be fine with finescale wheels but all but touches the rims in S7, let alone allowances for Slaters extended hubs; I opted to go just outside scale width so there's a gnats whisker clearance between the frames and Slaters hubs. One other part missing in the kit are the tank support flange webs, the flanges are there but no web that would be on the bottom of the footplate. Not an issue if viewing the model in normal 'gods eye' view but I like to view at ground level or just slightly lower, they are only thin plates but they put 'lumps' in the right place when viewing the model. I didn't bother with this model but next time will get some etched up. I'd also flood fill all the writing underneath as well.
And for the sake of completeness a ¾ view, only because it's sunny and it'd be a waste to bin the image LOL
There's still the air tank to go in and other sundry details.
The inner chassis
Of note are the CSB mounting points, just simple 1mm tube, certainly too large a bore and I'll be getting some smaller Dia for future projects but it does make it easier to thread the wire through and once loaded the wire only rests on the upper part of the tube so in reality the dia makes no difference. The Slaters insulated hornblock just rests on the underside of the view, no fancy pivot points, the pivots are the outer corners of the block, if I get overly bothered by that I'll just dome the top of the horn block to a radius smaller than that of the bent wire, maybe I'll do a couple....just because I can.
Same view but upside down, of note here is that the etched frame is different depths at the outer ends, so to make the pivot point the same height I added a small scrap piece of etch and soldered the tub to that to make them all the same height, oddly the front end turned out slightly lower (toward the rail) and thus the wire is bent downward slightly, this make the front marginally stiffer, which is what I wanted, by accident, not design I hasten to add
Side view of CSB arrangement
Close up of one axle and CSB arrangement.
Finally, given the above text at the beginning about the frame widths, it turns out that the footplate holes for the wheels are wrong as well
I did try the wheels first but figured...wrongly... that they'd probably not get this high, they do so I need to open the sides out a little to clear S7 widths. More important are the bits ahead of the front axle (and behind the rear axle) that need to be removed, the gauge makes no issue here, be it S7 or finescale there's a chance your wheel rims will short out here if using any form of suspension and even with fixed suspension you may come a cropper with fine scale rims which by nature are larger. Part of the problem I suspect is that the kit may have been designed for the correct 4' 2" wheels where as Slaters only offer 4' 3" ?
One other missive is the front axle alignment, despite laminating the frames and cutting the axle box slots in one go and assembling the frames square the front axle looks skewiff, part of it is the camera angle and lens but there is a small twist that is just measurable, not sure how to counter that, or if it's even worth the bother, the rest of the axle look much squarer so no idea how that one came out like that despite all being cut the exact same time and together.
Anyway, off to make some more brass swarf and filings accompanied by some finest light ale

Of choice in the fridge are Spitfire, Hobgoblin or Bishops Finger, golly gosh, I may just push the boat out and have one of each!