As others have said, if it's going to be painted then it doesn't matter.
Most of mine are not so need to be kept cleaner, the only miles mine will do are in the boot of the car too and from shows.
I'd give it all a good wash in Cillit Bang and scrub gently with an old tooth brush and I often use a ½" paint brush as well, it's bristles are finer and longer and get into nooks and crannies a tooth brush will not. Viakal will work fine too, but both will stain the metal if immersed for a long period and solder will turn dark grey.
It is only a stain and colouring, the finish will still be fine and that's the important part.
As overseer notes, baking soda leaves a salty dusty finish if the mix is too strong, especially to any areas of exposed solder, so needs cleaning with something else before painting; but it is good at neutralizing flux. I prefer sodium carbonate (dishwasher salt) it seems less aggressive, as opposed to Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), I'm sure there's a very long technical difference between the two, chemistry never was my strong subject
, I only know that one you can put in food, the other you cannot
I find a healthy dunk in cellulose thinners and brush with tooth brush and ½" paint brush before painting gets rid of most of the grease, but wear gloves, a: to protect your hands and b: to stop you putting more finger prints on the cleaned article.
It all looks very nice anyway
so nothing to worry about really