Hi Everyone,
Some of you will know that Caggers has been, and still is, a very busy fella, what with work, family life (including a daughter who is a talented junior athelete) and his local model railway club so he has agreed to me taking over as meetings organiser for our little group.
In that case I had better organise one then. For me, October is a bit busy; I have both of my 7mm layouts 'out' this month at Shildon on the 8th & 9th (yes, I know, its Keighley that weekend

) and then at Spennymoor on the 29th/30th so those weekends are 'out' for me. That leaves Sunday 16th or 23rd (remember that Hartlepool exhibition is on the weekend of the 22nd/23rd as well) if you want October.
If that is a bit short notice for you how about November? Apart from Newcastle show on the weekend 0f 12th/13th and Warley on the weekend of 26th/27th (I am planning to go on the Sunday) the rest is, as they say, free.
As for December, I am off to the Reading show on the first weekend to buy myself a present to celebrate my 65th birthday on the 2nd and I believe that there is something on around the 25th. Can't remember what exactly but it is something I try to ignore ... bah humbug!
So,to recap, possible dates are:-
October 16th/23rd
November 6th/13th/20th
December 11th/18th
Have a check in your diaries & work schedules and let me know which days you cn make/prefer and I will sort something out.