On going meetings and discussions of the S7 group in the North East


Western Thunderer
Greetings from 'Up North

Although only 3 people turned up for the November meeting we were keen to push the group forward and agreed on the dates for next years meetings as follows:-
March 5th – Locomotion
June 4th – tba
September 10th – tba
December 10th – tba

This enables people to put the dates in their diaries in plenty of time. It doesn't matter if people can't make a particular meeting, they will know when the next one is and, as Simon already knows, it is nearly impossible to get a date that everyone is free on.

We agreed that the meetings should be workshops rather than 'chat shops' so we have come up with the following topics for the next few:-
March – Silhouette cutter (Rob P) + track & points (Simon C)
June – Track & points (Simon C) + converting RTR wagons to S7 (Simon C)
September - Track & points (Simon C) + converting locos to S7 (Peter S)
December - Track & points (Simon C) + tba

These meetings will be very much about self-help, especially the track & points as there is an ulterior motive!

We are going to build a small test track cum layout, giving the group a focus and identity. Starting with a small test track on 2 hinged boards 1200mm x 40/50mm we would have the depth to add scenery and possibly add a separate fiddle yard to convert it into a small exhibition layout at a later date but, in the meantime, that space could be used for a small test area for 0 gauge models.

The track & points sessions would allow each of us to build a part of the trackwork for the test track/layout, a form of 'crowd funding' if you like so the costs would be spread over the year, as well as gaining the skills we could use on our own layouts. Of course, these skills are equally applicable to both S7 and 0 gauge.

So, if you, whether you 'do' S7 or 0 , if you are in the area on these dates you are more than welcome to come along.



Western Thunderer
Had our March meeting today at Locomotion - 2 people attended, me and Caggers.

I brought along the two test track boards , some O and S7 track and a couple of wagon projects. Caggers brought S7 track for the test track and some O gauge wagons.

We sorted out how we were going to lay out the test track and were ust about to set to when we realised we had no glue to strick dow the underlay or the track :headbang:.

We re-gauged a couple of Caggers' wagons to S7 to see if it was possible as a 'quick fix' to try to avoid some of the issues with using Slaters axles being to long for RTR wagons.

I would have put up some pictures - but I forgot my camera :headbang::headbang::rant:.

Luckily Caggers had his and took some piccies to prove we actually do other things than talk and drink c0ffee and he will be posting them shortly. Then I can do a write-up for the S7 Newsletter (that bit is for Mr Kelham).
