On Heather's workbench - four wheels on my covered carriage truck

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
PS Like your brass Built by Heather too. Not sure that was prototypical though ;)

Not prototypical, but definitely subliminal advertising. All builds get this little tag - even the fuel tank build. :thumbs:

Last night, in a fit of modelling fever, I fitted the handrails - including the one on the right hand end by the door hinges.



I've dry-assembled the body and roof to the underframe, because it's nice to see what I'm heading for. I fettled the axle boxes today and the model rolls very sweetly up the short test track. Outstanding work includes the glazing, end door details, vac and steam heat pipeworks on the headstocks, fitting the couplings and the ventilators.
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Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
After client feedback, we've settled on four roof ventilators, the cast headstock pipework and sprung couplings.


The end detailing is complete. The kit provides for a pair of bottom door control springs but almost every photo I've seen shows just the one. The vac and steam heat pipes should be mounted to brackets under the headstock, but for reasons of sturdiness I've compromised and stuck them in holes in the headstock. The end door lock and handle has been fabricated from 0.7mm wire.


I do like coach underframes. They add a lot to a model, so I'm quite pleased at how this has turned out.


Jobs outstanding are the glazing and internal security bars, and the footsteps. That's a tale in its own right, as I found the etched steps very fragile. In fact, the steps parted from the brackets while I was folding the etched parts up. I think I've worked out a better method of fixing things and I'll explain that later.

For now, this will sit on the test track at the back of the bench while I think about painting it.

Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Hi Heather I like your underframe detail, I think I will have to go to Didcot to photographe the underframe detail of their Siphon as I can't find any photo's of them online.


richard carr

Western Thunderer

You mentioned earlier that this was going to be blue, if so are you sure it would have had foot steps ?

As far as I can tell by the late 70's they had virtually all lost them. I can't say for certain when it happened as finding pictures from the mid 70s has proved impossible.


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
This is true, Richard. I shall scroll through Paul Bartlett's selection of images again.

It depends, I think, on when the CCTs were used for BRUTE traffic. The trolleys caused damage to the steps, so they were removed.

richard carr

Western Thunderer

I have been through and bought most of Paul's pictures, none of them show a CCT with foot steps, but the earliest was taken in 1978 the rest are all 80 to 86 and a few even later ones. I can't find anything on flickr or google before 78 that isn't maroon in colour and as you would expect they all have foot steps. It just seems that no one bothered with CCTs in the early 1970s. Its not surprising really as they weren't that interesting then.


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
I have been through and bought most of Paul's pictures, none of them show a CCT with foot steps, but the earliest was taken in 1978 the rest are all 80 to 86 and a few even later ones. I can't find anything on flickr or google before 78 that isn't maroon in colour and as you would expect they all have foot steps. It just seems that no one bothered with CCTs in the early 1970s. Its not surprising really as they weren't that interesting then

Thanks Richard. :thumbs:

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Thanks chaps!

Some departmental vans converted as mess or accommodation vans had some sort of steps reinstated so staff could climb into them from the track level.

As ever, I consulted with the client, and he is happy to go sans steps as it suits the period he models. Best get the paint shop warmed up then.

Dave Bowden

Western Thunderer
Hi Heather I like your underframe detail, I think I will have to go to Didcot to photographe the underframe detail of their Siphon as I can't find any photo's of them online.

Hi Len and all

I have 24 photos taken by Drew Fermor (aka Castle) of the underframe of their Siphon G if anyone would like copies?


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Hi Graham

Am I correct in that I can only submit 15 photos in any one reply?
If so as there are 24 photos it would have to be two replies.


That's correct, Dave. It's probably worth starting a thread in the Gallery section, so as not to lose Siphon images in this thread about something slightly different. :thumbs: ;)

Dave Bowden

Western Thunderer
That's correct, Dave. It's probably worth starting a thread in the Gallery section, so as not to lose Siphon images in this thread about something slightly different. :thumbs: ;)
Thank you Heather for confirming that, I also believe that if you post them as thumbnails you can't zoom in on them using + & -.
I shall start a new thread in the gallery!


Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Thanks Dave, would love to see them in the Gallery thread, (sorry for interfering with your thread Heather).


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
A quick update to say the component parts have been given a coat of primer, which happened on Friday morning. The parts have been curing in the airing AADF since. Once the weather warms up a bit, I shall get the proper lovery colours on.