4mm On Heather's workbench - on a Holden to…Yarmouth?

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
You all probably saw this coming…

I have thrown in the towel. I can’t finish this build. I’m stuck. :oops:

So, I contacted the client and explained everything. He's completely understanding, and very good about it. I’m going to try and tie up a couple of loose ends - those gash roofs, for one - and then see if we can get everything back to him safely. He will see if he can find someone else to complete the task.

This is partly due to Best Beloved and the domestic situation. I have also just had a significant number birthday, and I rather feel I’d like to try and enjoy some life before I get too much older, with Best Beloved while he's still able to. It’s also partly down to something that’s been brewing for a while: I have simply lost the love for building model railway stuff. The fun's gone out of it, one of the dangers of turning a hobby into a job. I’ve had a fair run, but it’s time to hang up the soldering iron.

It’s not quite over, though. After this commission is cleared up I have one more I promised I would do. Three 7mm scale GWR coaches. They are from kits I’m familiar with, and I hope I won’t get too bogged down with them. I’ll probably kick off another interminable build thread when I start them in a while.

If anyone's interested, I’ll post my adventures with the roofs.

Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
You all probably saw this coming…

I have thrown in the towel. I can’t finish this build. I’m stuck. :oops:

So, I contacted the client and explained everything. He's completely understanding, and very good about it. I’m going to try and tie up a couple of loose ends - those gash roofs, for one - and then see if we can get everything back to him safely. He will see if he can find someone else to complete the task.

This is partly due to Best Beloved and the domestic situation. I have also just had a significant number birthday, and I rather feel I’d like to try and enjoy some life before I get too much older, with Best Beloved while he's still able to. It’s also partly down to something that’s been brewing for a while: I have simply lost the love for building model railway stuff. The fun's gone out of it, one of the dangers of turning a hobby into a job. I’ve had a fair run, but it’s time to hang up the soldering iron.

It’s not quite over, though. After this commission is cleared up I have one more I promised I would do. Three 7mm scale GWR coaches. They are from kits I’m familiar with, and I hope I won’t get too bogged down with them. I’ll probably kick off another interminable build thread when I start them in a while.

If anyone's interested, I’ll post my adventures with the roofs.
Hi Heather

That must have been a difficult phone call to make, but top marks to your client for being so understanding. :thumbs:

I hope you enjoy your new found freedom with your other half and when you feel ready, I for one, would be most interested to see the GWR coaches build. :)



michael mott

Western Thunderer
Hi Heather, life has a habit of changing our work schedules and enthusiasm. After I turned my hobby into a commercial business I did not do any hobby modeling for many years. Reaching a point of admitting that one is unable to finish a project is a daunting process, I have been there and afterward the sense of relief feels like a giant millstone has been lifted off. Choosing family over work is beneficial for both of you. Your model making enthusiasm will return, though may be much more rewarding and relaxing.


Western Thunderer
Sorry to hear that, Heather, but I fully understand. I must admit that my mojo for building has taken a long holiday probably caused in part by enjoying working on Tim's photos. Best wishes for the future.



Active Member
Heather, enjoy your retirement, you may get your mojo back, I have not made anything for my self for considerable time, just keep opening cupboards full of kits then getting more depressed. Hope you and Paul get to enjoy some special time together.
All the best


Western Thunderer
Hi Heather,

read your post with much sadness but fully understand how the situation can get the better of you. I have also lost the will to model a number of times in the recent past and am hoping that it returns before too long.

I look forward hearing that you and best beloved are enjoying life now that you have switched the hot stick off.

kind regards


James Spooner

Western Thunderer
Hi Heather,

Very sorry to hear that but you have done absolutely the right thing in putting health and family first. I wish you all the best in your retirement and hope that some modelling pleasure will return at some point in the future, whether it be planes, trains or automobiles… (to quote the old song).

best wishes



Western Thunderer
The best word in the English language is NO Heather. And to mean it.

I`m glad you have decided that is best for you and Paul.

Take lots of care of each other,



Western Thunderer
Taking on tasks that are not commercially viable was not good. The long drawn out jobs were slowly sapping your enthusiasm for everything.

Running a business works best when people are prepared to wear a hard hat and take 'painful' commercial decisions. There is more to it than that of course, but I made it work for half a Century without it ever getting me down. In the end, I had to care full time for my late wife.

Doing the best you can for Paul and yourself is the best move Heather.
Good luck,
Larry. x


Western Thunderer
Heather, best wishes from me to you both as well. We all have decisions to make in life that impact our work, interests and hobbies in a negative way, but you are doing what is best for you and Paul. I hope we'll get to see you both at a S7 meet in future and that you stay here on WT and let us know how you're both getting on.

Hugs to you both.


Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts. :oops:

While the client and I work out the logistics of getting things back to him, I am going through the build so far and tidying things up as I go. I don’t want the next person to tackle these coaches to complain about my work - well, not too much anyway!

So, this thread isn’t quite dead yet.
Sorting out passengers

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
The client and I have agreed that I should try to get as many little odds and ends sorted out before we think about handing over to anyone else. That means I shall attempt to fix the dodgy roofs, sort out the exposed brake end gangways, and tone up or down the rather bright Preiser seated figures.

Here is what I shall be working with on that latter score:

These are a little too modern for the 1920s, but they’ll be okay in dark recesses and when they’re darker overall.


We have children, seated people without legs, and those on the right are suitable for the period. Again, plenty of darker tones required.

Finally, animated figures which may not be used. They are seated, but when I was sorting them out they struck me as being a 1970s West German disco dance troupe!



In addition, we have these Modelu figures.

Better get the paint box out, then.


Western Thunderer
I trust you have seen that Alan at Modelu is doing a load of RAF figures to coincide with 6/6?

undoubtedly some would go with your personal modelling interests!
