P4 New Street


Mid-Western Thunderer
The first picture Superb
Oh, yes - memories indeed... I saw 50 002 Superb at New St, back in the day. I know Western fans didnt like them, but the Hoovers were the best looking locos on BR once the Hydraulics & Deltics had gone... ;) :thumbs:

Tin hat on, taking cover..... :D

Fantastic pics, Jim. Thanks for posting.


Western Thunderer
The gloom looks just right Jim - it has always seemed a dark cold place to me...

and is that a hint of blue diesel exhaust hanging around the Metro Camm?

Yeah - keep em coming, love it!


Dog Star

Western Thunderer
If the platform spotters could photograph a Western then that will be "just sublime".

For now, the HSTs do rather hit the spot.