Dog Star
Western Thunderer
...I could never decide between 86 & 87 which was my absolute favourite....
Blue and favourite in the same post? Enough to make anyone see Red and White.
...I could never decide between 86 & 87 which was my absolute favourite....
Hi All
Been adding a spot of detail to '18
First up - I didn't like the supplied buffers at all and so I replaced them with A1 models 18" oleos - OK these are not sprung but I am not doing and shunting so I am not bothered. The air horn covers are simply bits of plastic tube cut to shape (the stem of a cotton bud is ideal) and the little triangular steps are just .4mm wire bent to shape. Finally a little bit of microstrip for the ETH recepticle and thats about it. I notice theres no builders plates under the second mans window so I will see what brian at Shawplan has.
And at that time, the locomotive was still at the proper end of the train.... I never could get my head around that later, nasty 'push-pull' arrangement with a DVT, and the loco most likely at the back... just looked SO wrong....... I still can't believe "it's" all gone* ...
* ie "proper" electric locos and a functional and visually pleasing livery.
Talking of which, I am intrigued as to how you will carry the wires over baseboard joints, assuming the layout remains portable. Or is this an issue you will solve when you get to it?I will have to scratchbuild the OLE. Its things like this that remind me not to think of the totals required for the layout and to just work my way along.
Yes, even though there is something significant missingHi Jim, the pic with the two leckys stabled looks REAL. Excellent stuff.
In which case I'm odd too. It's very utilitarian, but it has a definite charm about it.I'm probably a bit odd, but I like the building.