Pen Y Bryn


Western Thunderer
Extra cross braces now in place for "Health & Safety"icon_lol.gif

I would like to model a ropeway to carry waste from the screens to the tip but this would need another building similar to this, there might be room behind and to the right, just thinking aloud!



Western Thunderer
Some slow moves, "Queuing for Water".

It took a bit of time getting these loco's running after sooo many years, what I have noticed with DCC is that it is very unforgivable, the track has to be ultra clean, the good news is that the CMX track cleaner is now available again in the on order!



Chris Nevard

Western Thunderer
You've certainly got that smoke cracked! Seriously WesternThunderers, this layout is beyond lovely, having been over to pop it under the lights week before last :)


Western Thunderer
It's a bit of an eye opener when you come back to your layout after about ten years, many different products and modelling techniques etc....static grass:eek: whatever next! Oh! DCC!!!!!!
