4mm Polsarrett: BR(S) N Cornwall Clay, The Final Countdown

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Evening Pencarrot.

Smashing looking Pannier you've got there.

Once you repaint the green one and renumber it, there will only be another one to get.

You'll be able to operate the layout with just panniers then.

Good stuff.



Western Thunderer
You've gone G.W.R. and bought a nice Pannier ? :)

Funny you should say that Gbloke.

I have had an unfortunate increase in Panniers of late. A 4mm Heljan 1366 in GWR green livery (together with shunters wagon) need getting shot of. Bought with the intention of repainting when I couldn't get hold of a black one.

The black 1366 from Sheep Bloke can stay. It's behaving itself at the moment and hasn't upset the Beattie Well Tanks or fallen off the track recently.

I will be collecting a Bachmann 8750 at some point from Mark. I dread to think how naughty that has been if Mark is getting shot of it. We'll see.


Western Thunderer
So, I'm calling it quits for tonight...

More jigtastic use of coffee stirrers.

And a few shots of it insitu...





Should be able to see some of the interior gubbins in low views. The rear wall is just a representation to give an idea of what's inside, doorways through to the lagoons behind. I used up lots of odds and sods of Wills coarse stone. Didn't bother filling joints etc. Should get some interesting light coming through from the rear to the interior.

Got to make 4 brick pillars for the front and then the roof beams can progress forwards.

I'm much happier with the revised added bulk of the enlarged dries, they don't look as lost in the scene and sit better into the hillside. The chimney will need making taller and the top 1/3 will be brick.

First modelling for months and months, really enjoyed it.
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Western Thunderer
Imposing and impressive!

As modifications go, it's not a light touch... :))

But, the dries had been sitting there in their cut and shut condition for 6+ months. I'd not done anything with them and I think the reason was that I knew I wouldn't be happy with the compromise.

Having read a bit about clay dries I had enough info in my head for it to be dangerous to the shortcut route I'd planned to take. So once again I descend into OTT solutions and again taking power tools to poor defenceless buildings!

Mind you, I enjoyed the day doing the modifications and I'm much happier with the results. Am I hard wired not to take the easy, quick path?
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Western Thunderer
So coaching stock that will be available for the layout when complete will include...

  • LSWR Gate stock
  • LSWR rebuilt 58' 2-set
  • SR Maunsell P-set plus a loose BCK when traffic is light
  • SR Bulleid BCK (when I paint it...)
  • BR MK1 BCK
Should be able to run through the post nationalisation period with that lot!


Western Thunderer
So all those strips were made into 11 beams and stuck to a strip of 15thou to space them all out, with ribs in between.


They are purposefully gapped at the far end...

...so they sandwich the existing roof trusses:



And then a look from underneath to see what we can see...


Not a great deal but it will give a good impression and the gaps in the rear and roof vents will let some light in.


Western Thunderer
With the roof being built insitu and being fixed this gave me a problem. A bit of a ship in a bottle issue.

The inside needs to be painted and mounds of clay added to the linhay floor ready for loading into the wagons. But it will be impossible to paint with the roof on and I couldn't really paint it until more of the structure was complete.

I've been thinking about this for a while, so whilst more thinking occurred, I added the formers for the roof vents.



Which firmed everything up.


Western Thunderer
So my order of assembly and painting will be...

1. Paint interior
2. Add clay mounds
3. Add front pillars and lintels
4. Fix on front bit of roof that is currently separate and join it to the pillars
5. Clad roof with 15thou sheet to keep the inside safe
6. Complete outside walls
7. Paint walls
8. Add roofing
9. Paint roofing

With regard to item 8, I can't decide if the roof should be tiled or tin sheets. Any thoughts?