Well that was a faff.
The 3' of leftover LED strip has now been added to the underside of the top fascia. As the fascia top is removable and separate to the lighting lid, I needed to add in a plug and socket between the two parts.
A suitable 4 pin plug and socket was eventually found - funnily enough in the box of spare LED strip fittings and the male end was fitted to the fascia strip. That was the easy bit.
Then came wiring in an extension lead from the female socket to the end of the lighting lid run. Oh, no copper contacts on the end of the strip. So the strip end was lifted and wires soldered to the underside of the LED strip, then insulated with tape.
The extension lead was run along the top of the lighting lid and then passed through a hole to the position of the male plug. Did I mention that the extension lead wasn't long enough and needed splicing to extra wire...?
Anyway that was all done and the opportunity taken to go around the edges of the lighting lid with gaffer tape. Hopefully this will make it more resilient.
And now the photos...
The new socket on the lighting lid.
And the plug on the fascia top.
Gaffer tape!
More gaffer tape!
All lit up from underneath.
All lit up from the front.
And the purpose of all the tatting about - no shadow on the very front siding. Sorted.