It's quite interesting returning to modelling with a deadline in mind, having avoided doing that for my own stuff for the past few years. It's remarkable how many tasks can be completed in those gaps between meetings, waiting for the kettle to boil and at lunchtime; generally time I would spend doom scrolling through social media. Here's the output of the past couple of days of this renewed focus on modelling productivity.
The pasty wagon is, of course, a RCH 1923 spec end door open from Cambrian Kits, which mysteriously arrived on my doorstep on Sunday. As is often the case, a little remedial work was required to get things square and true, most notably the headstocks.
I'm try an experiment with the vee hangers; having first used them as a template to drill the solebars, on one solebar I inserted 4 lengths of 0.5mm plastic rod through the solebar and threaded the two vee hangers onto that. For the other, I soldered 4 lengths of brass wire to the inside face of one vee, pushed those through the solebar and then fitted the rear vee. On reflection, I prefer the latter method.
As you may already have gathered the wagon is getting etched brass axle guards, putting it all together for a dry fit, this is how far I've got.
So, having avoided deadlines for a while, I'm now setting my self the deadline of having this wagon, one other of the same kit and the four GWR O13s ready for paint by the end of this weekend.