UPS have just delivered the first 1 in 6 crossing chairs. Sorry about the focus of the photo, the camera here at work isn't designed to be used for photographing 7mm scale chairs!

From left to right we have: the 6X chair; the knuckle block, washer-blocks and bolt-heads; a point rail holding-down-block (for those who shape their point rails properly, for the rest of us there's also one fixed to the 6A chair); the 6A chair; the A blocks; bolt-head and washer-block to hold the end of the splice rail to the point rail (left and right variants); wing blocks (left and right variants) and washer-blocks; more washer-blocks to join the point and splice rails (some companies also had a rivet or two as well); the 6B chair; and finally the 6C chair. See the image in
post 187 above to see how it should all fit together.
Come to West Mersea HQ on Sunday if you want to see the real thing (bring a magnifying glass!) being installed.
Edited to add link to previous post.