I cannot understand the 'finish' - both coaches were sprayed with Railmatch aerosols, yet the finish is totally different on each coach. The roof was sprayed with Halford's 'Light grey' and the underframe with their Sating black. Weathering was Railmatch frame and roof dirt airbrushed on followed by Tamiya weathering blocks brushed on as a wash.
I also prefer the carmine and cream - it suits the coach much better, to think that BR changed from the bright and airy to the dull - was that a general reflection of/for the mid-fifties?
I had a bit of Canopy glue overspill on the inside of the maroon coach corridor and was able to remove it using Testor's Acrylic cleaner on a cotton bud - it was just long enough and narrow enough to fit between the gap between the bottom of the corridor partition and the return 'leg' of the outer wall.