7mm Rob's Rolling Stock Workbench

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Wow, October when I last updated this thread and the pipe wagon still isn't finished in the paint shop....

Although I have made more progress on the G5 the photos that I took didn't come out for some unknown reason.

As happens sometimes I arrived at a point with the G5 that I needed to print off a couple of photos to make sure of details so instead of going into the house from the workshop and doing it I made a start on my Telford best buy and before I knew where I was I had got to here.

I hasten to add the match truck bodies were already cut out and folded up when I bought the kit.



Rather astonishingly at this point the gear wheels all turn and mesh together making the crane actually work. Sadly the design of the support struts/rods that run from the rear of the crane to the end of the jib when soldered on will prevent the gears from turning unless I can come up with a different arrangement.

The photo below of the GNR crane at Locomotion shows the support struts that I refer to above

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Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Around meeting up with the guys at Shildon on Sunday I have managed to make good progress with getting the transfers on the Jubilee vans.




Three down and one to go. I do still need to add running numbers to them all - that's what looks like a water mark on the van sides is - the glossy bit that awaits the number.

Even now while looking at photos I keep seeing more details to add.

Lastly I also got some transfers on the pipe wagon too.



I still have some way to go with painting and weathering them all but they are coming on.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
All the transfers are now on the NBR vans so the next job is varnish and weathering - I didn't take photos not wishing to bore anyone....

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
After no pictures for the last posting prepare for a photo fest! a bit of Sunshine helped too after snow showers for most of yesterday.

In Tatlow there is a super photo of one of the matchboard Jubilee vans at the end of it's life and I could't resist the urge to recreate it in model form.






I just need to remember where I put the buffer heads after blackening them now.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Right back at the beginning of this thread I built a Slaters 14 ton tank wagon on which I replaced the plastic 3 part tank with one made of rolled brass. I eventually got some of the correct transfers for it and painted it like this in readiness for adding the transfers


It turned out that the transfers that I bought were of the rub down type and I couldn't for the life of me work out how I was going to get them on over the straps and cables, so it languished on the shelf queens pile for the intervening years.

Move forward to Telford last year and Graham (@Dog Star) was kind enough to loan me some of his collection of private owner wagon books and whilst browsing through them I found a photo of a Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Tar Distillation 14 ton tank wagon. I thought all my birthdays had come at once because after an appeal on the Guild site for spare Y&L transfers I had a spare set that I had planned to use on another rectangular tank at some point but thought that this would be a much better use.

Fast forward again to a few weeks ago when I was spraying the jubilee vans, I repainted the Slaters' tank wagon into red oxide at the same time.

Then my dreams were shattered. When I referenced the photo and the transfers to the wagon itself, I quickly realised that not only were transfers physically too big for the available space on the tank, the wording was subtly different too. So back to the drawing board and plan B (or c,d e, etc.....).

The next plan was to try to cut the letters out using the Silhouette cutter and apply them a letter at a time.




The first side took 3 sessions to get them all on and the second side took an hour to do the lot - it just flowed.

Now all I need to do is remember where I put the buffer heads and blacken them.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Next up is the first of the earlier vans with wide-boards and beaded joints. This one also happens to be the one with a saggy roof - perhaps a sign of it's age by this point.





I have really enjoyed the making and painting of these vans - probably why I have put so much time into them.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Last but not least, I did one of them in NBR livery.

I learned when reading Tatlow's LNER wagon collection recently, that the NBR was the second largest of the constituents of the LNER (after the NER). This came as a bit of a surprise to me because I hadn't realised just how big the NBR was. That's probably one of the reasons that so many of the ex NBR wagons made it into the 1930's still in faded NBR livery - there were so many of them.

Apart from the shabby paintwork, this one is in quite good condition for it's age.




Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
For the last couple of weeks modelling has taken a back seat to gardening, and no that doesn't mean anything further has been done on the Rhubarb Triangle. It's been gardening up North.

I did manage a bit of time at the bench though and those of you who look in the small adds may remember me advertising a couple of 3 Aitch wagon kits that I had bought from the Guild E&T lists?

There wasn't any interest in them as they were so I decided to build the second one and add some detail and decay to them to portray them as condemned wagons ready for breaking up.

The first one was the 5 plank version that I had already assembled. I added a false floor (made from some styrene planked sheet that came with my Dragon models Caledonian single Bolster kit - I must ask Chris Basten for the source of it because it's actually quite good stuff). Over that I added inner sides that were scribed and washer plates etc. added to. Finally after painting I found various bits and bobs of scrap junk to add a bit of interest inside.

Unfortunately we have had storms here today which have resulted in odd lighting that has enhanced the reds in the rust which are much more subtle in reality. - Apologies too for the photo overload, I was struggling with the light and liked them all.




