7mm Stroudley Park

SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
That’s the back scene installed, ahead of my imaginary schedule too. I’m waiting for a nice silver birch tree to arrive and will be located at the end of the terrace. Currently, there’s no back scene for the station end because space is so tight but will be included when Stroudley Park is exhibited.
The back scene is constructed from 4mm ply braced with 33 x 12mm pine. Before applying the photographic covering, the ply was sealed with paint to prevent warping. The reverse will be treated in due course.
That’s enough of this saga. The next step will be the fiddle yard/dairy board but don’t hold your breath!!
‘Right away’ from Stroudley Park

SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
Pictured here is the reason I changed my modelling direction to produce Stroudley Park. Terrier number B 644 was originally 2644 and cost me the princely sum of £165 from Tower Models a few years ago. Because they are a small loco, they suit the confined space of my layout very well.
The addition of some tank top details, crew, real coal and some sympathetic weathering gives the loco some character.
The coach just visible is an old MSC kit of a Balloon driving trailer which makes the Terrier appear even smaller. The signal is off and it’s making its way to the airing cupboard, sorry, fiddle yard.

SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
Hi Ian
Was wondering whos kit the K class is looks lovely.


Hello Paul,
The K Class is from Ace Locomotive Kits. Although not perfect, it forms a useful base and will improve your scratchbuilding skills. The ‘K’ took me a year to build. To enhance the end product I had Warren Haywood paint it and he did a fantastic job.



Hi Ian
Thank you for the pics she looks splendid in olive green Warren paints my locos that I have had built as I am not that experienced at the moment and only on my second loco kit myself which is a Southern G6, a matter of interest to what extent did you have to use your scratch building skills as I have thought about purchasing Ace products K?.
In the next week or so I will be ordering his Southern N15X kit before he increases his prices hope you had a good new year.

Kind regards,


SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
Hi Ian
Thank you for the pics she looks splendid in olive green Warren paints my locos that I have had built as I am not that experienced at the moment and only on my second loco kit myself which is a Southern G6, a matter of interest to what extent did you have to use your scratch building skills as I have thought about purchasing Ace products K?.
In the next week or so I will be ordering his Southern N15X kit before he increases his prices hope you had a good new year.

Kind regards,

Hello Paul,
The first item I scratchbuilt was the firebox, that’s why it is in Nickel Silver. Either I messed up the construction or it just didn’t fit, so I made a new one, this time using two scratchbuilt formers shown here with the wrecked original firebox.
Also replaced was the cab front and cab roof. The backhead was largely scratchbuilt. Various other small details were also scratchbuilt on the loco.
The tender fall plate and the tender cab doors were scratch built and well other sundry detail parts on the loco and tender.
I had five attempts at building the electrical pipe work that runs along the before I was satisfied.
I thinks it is fair to say that Ace Kits can be challenging depending on the kit’s provenance but we are all modelmakers and capable of meeting and over coming constructional obstacles and making ‘that’ model our own.
I hope my information helps you and I wish you a happy new year. If you need more information or assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Hi Ian
Thanks for the info I think I will not be getting the K class for a while in the meantime will try to get some more experience under my belt before I attempt a kit like that although with the N15X I suppose I should expect some challenges as well and thank you for your future support.

Kind regards,


SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
There’s been a real flurry of activity lately on Stroudley Park trying to improve aspects that bugged me. One area in particular was the bank behind the bay platform. Largely hidden by the platform canopy, the bank didn’t sit well and needed a bit of a lift. Here’s the result of the new developments…..
A gravel bed in front of the cabinet and a sleeper retaining wall behind the loco yard signal. A bit if titivating on the greenery also helped improve the look. Phew, that’s enough for one day.
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The Director’s Visit

SouthernFan Ian

Western Thunderer
It’s not everyday an outpost like Stroudley Park receives a visit from the great man himself. Sharp eyed readers may catch a glimpse of Mr. O. V. S. Bullied as the exLBSCR Director’s Saloon is backed into the main platform while his illustrious predecessor, Mr. William Stroudley oversees the operation from afar.

At this time period, the Director’s Saloon was always accompanied by one of the two dedicated LBSCR double ended six wheel brake vans and No. 758 is shown attached.
The two coach bodies were lined beautifully by the master of the lining pen, Warren Haywood, everything under the coach bodies was built and painted by me. That included much scratch build on the saloon.
The next job is to install the glazing and lightly weather.
The ensemble makes an ideal short train for a space challenged layout.