I have been resisting the Accurascale Class 30/31 but the pictures of your example in BR green with the small yellow warning panel took me straight back to being 12 years old and getting the (Triang) Hornby version of that loco for Christmas … and suddenly I find myself craving one for my collection.

Powerful emotion, isn’t it, nostalgia?!

Looking forward to seeing your layouts develop in due course, Rob

Steve S
Morning John,

Funny that. I am thinking of that but the stumbling block is that I'm not sure of just how long I'll retain the Kerr Stuart. He's such a big chap and whenever I give him a run, he kind of dominates proceedings.

As tank engines go, he's a monster.

Yes I thought so too, but then I went and bought a second one...it was a bargain guv, honest! Then of course the EM gauge Society came up with a conversion to EM gauge, doh!

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
It's a funny thing but roughly twenty years ago it was all about large engines. I was building quite a stud of locos applicable to the S&DJR in the 1950s and, as an alternative, the South Western section of the Southern Region up to early sixties ( I had quite a few Bulleids ).

Now, it's all about small engines, dictated not only by my building of small layouts but by the absolute plethora of previously unavailable, but very interesting small locos from the rtr boys..

I do occasionally, VERY occasionally, hanker after a return to running a Bulleid Pacific with eight Mk1s dangling from it or a King Arthur with same number of Maunsells running after it, as I did before but common sense does prevail.

That's why, when you have a large tank engine, such as the Kerr Stuart, it can be a bit of a surprise when it appears. Nothing really comes close to it until we start looking at things like a 94xx Pannier, which again is a bit of a brute.

So, small locos will remain the currency of choice, including small tender types ( bring on the Rapido 01 !) for now at least and not withstanding some rather larger green diesels.



Western Thunderer
Sorry, a little late but (and I won't repeat the image),
This could be a hallway option.
Despite what the Billionaire Tech Bros say, the laws of Binomial distribution still apply. Under that bell curve there are more wrong answers then the correct answer.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Sorry, a little late but (and I won't repeat the image),

Despite what the Billionaire Tech Bros say, the laws of Binomial distribution still apply. Under that bell curve there are more wrong answers then the correct answer.

Er.........what ?

( please do not explain..........)

Quite frankly, those kind of images don't appeal to me in the slightest so I'm thankful you didn't repeat it.
