Brilliant Rob looking forward to this, the hint photos already look full of atmosphere.
BTW totally get popping over here.
Less is more as in comments and steering the thread mostly straight and narrow!
Anyone for some late night Peckett rustling?
Keep an eye out for a couple of low loaders with no headlights!
I have succumbed to ordering a Tytherington Stone Co liveried W4.
Regarding your fettling experiences, what about inserting split shim washers to the front axle to remove all side-play?
I'm tempted by the Tytherington W4 myself. They are nice little chaps and a Peckett rarely offends.
I know others elsewhere have advocated shimming using plasticard washers. For now, these two seem fine without, as does my PLA example.
I'm looking forward to getting started on the layout itself. I have a few ideas but until it's there in front of me, I find it's tricky to work out. However, that is the beauty of having the buildings to play with. They can be plonked down and moved around until they look about right.
The path of least resistance, Rob.
Can’t say I blame you.
Rob, I'm sorry to hear that the Peckett's don't run as required and maybe its already been considered, but is it worth speaking to Hornby and sending them back to them for "tweaking ?".
The two that I have needed a good running in, one of which was slightly jerky to start but now both perform as expected.
Oh! And watch out for the very delicate whistle on top of the cab roof ! Don't ask how I know.
Happy to hear you've got the running sorted out, there's nothing more frustrating on a new loco eh !I have had the whistle issue. I'm looking for a brass replacement for all three.
Getting a tad messy on the other channel and I've decided to step away for a bit.
Morning all.
Here are a couple of really poor images of the work in progress on the next chapter.
Conceptually Darlings, this is an industrial backwater quietly returning to nature. Everything is plonked down and these photos are of the one end of the layout.
There will be quite a bit of green stuff hereabouts which I'm hoping will contrast nicely with the dark buildings ( which will be tinkered with) and the rusty wriggly tin things.
Plain backscene, usual lighting. Little engines and other ( hopefully) cool stuff.
I hope you get the picture........ish.
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I do indeed, Rob.
Definitely one of yours - even at this embryonic stage.