NHY 581

Western Thunderer
The latest addition to the library at Château Mouton.


A 1972 reprint of the 1966 original. Lovely condition, practically as new and very much of its time. Delightful and all the more so by way of the contribution from the Rev W Awdry.

I'm looking forward to settling into one's favourite chair with this one.


Rob R

Western Thunderer
Got mine back when 65 new pence was a sizeable chunk of pocket money (and probably paid for it in thru'penny bits and sixpences :))

A very worthwhile addition to the library.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Have you got an ISBN for the book? It must be the only one on the W&UT that I don't have. Any good pre grouping photos in it?


Afternoon Marc,

I just searched on the title and author and located a copy as a result. I've looked today and there are still copies on Amazon from a few different sellers.

With regards to the content, it's only a small book but there are a couple of pre-grouping views and a few post-grouping.

Its a nice book and recommended if you are into the W&U.


Marc Dobson

Western Thunderer
Hi rob,

Thanks for that. I'm a bit partial to a W&UT tram loco. I have 3 of them in 7mm and I'm working on a RTR one in 7mm. Once you start digging into them you realise that there were 6 versions and only one can be built from the existing Brass kit. So I should have all six versions done shortly. No layout but lots of stock.



Western Thunderer
I wonder what it thought it was doing. I am reminded of MPFC, “that most dangerous of all creatures, a clever sheep”.